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Denise Melanson

first (I don't have much of a life)


42:20 Davion is staring at my soul ahahah


i loved that long ass discussion at the end

Denise Melanson

I love you guys so much. thanks for cat appearance, too. I can't wait for more supernatural


First to start-Charlie is too a powerhouse character. Seriously Nathan season 10? Have you forgotten what she does in that season? Granted you saying the line around 33:37 makes me wonder if you forgot the finale episode of this season and the whole confession scene. And Cameron you trying to jinx poor Kevin. The poor guy has had a life plan set and then disrupted by becoming a prophet and you ready for him to die? Let the kid have some good times. Now, in my honest opinion, I HATE the boys for trying to close the gates of hell. You cannot close the gate of hell and not close the gate of heaven as well. They are the yin and yang of each other, you take one away what is going to replace it. It’s terrible demons cause mayhem and destruction but then there would be no reason for heaven which causes peace and aims for harmony. It is like in Avatar when they killed the fish, you need both in order for balance. The universe/nature has created a balance that seems unfair and unbalanced at times, but it is perfectly unbalanced and more fair than people realize. Just my opinion,but the boys should not have been playing with this level of a power.