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Been waiting for this one. I had a feeling you'd fuck with it. I've always loved the men if letters stuff.


Oh Nathan you were absolutely precious this episode. Between going oh the demon knife didnt work to John’s dad?, lol honestly things are about to get so good i will be impressed at how tight lip you get trying not to spoil it. And with a big named character about to show up and whose name people who haven’t read the Bible would know his name. Also the actor that plays said character is awesome!! Love him in Galavant. 3:52 and Davion took that line seriously. Lol good thing Bobby wasn’t alive and sitting with the boys. 19:42 Swastika aka Nazi symbol, originally was symbolic for things like the sun, four winds, and life, the universe. And more as it is a symbol with four points which has a list of things it can be associated with however thanks to Hitler it is now a symbol of hate and a horrific time in human history. …..I just realized what the next episode is and what I just said ^and ummm. Those who know know. But as the boys are officially headed to the bunker and there are some great episodes headed your way i think that’s okay. There is an episode coming up where I am torn on hating it yet loving it because as the boys go into exploring the case I immediately knew who they were dealing with and then realized who could show up and ugh the ending, the ending is, to me, horrible because of what happens.


Are you guys just not posting as much or is my Patreon just delayed I don’t even see outer banks episode 5 on here and it’s on youtube


What's going on with the SPN reactions? only 2 reactions in the more than a month


Any update on when we are getting 8x13 of supernatural

Roxana Garcia

Is everything okay with the SPN reactions? They seem to be slowing down