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Watching reactors react to their own reactions is always fun! I’d love to see you guys do that!


This movie was garbage but ya'll make it better lmao


amazing reaction, the movie may not have been one of the best but watching it with you is more fun ahaha, thanks

Trinity M

Great reaction luv ur reactions guys


Love the reaction and even though I miss Stiles, I am glad they mention him almost the entire movie. Also for Derek, it’s not an end. No death in Teen Wold is permanent and I believe Derek will come back. I don’t believe he’s fully dead, so he’s coming back. One new thing I found out was Dylan O’Brien the man who plays Stiles said he will return for the sequel, which I love and can’t wait if the sequel possibly happens.


Jeff Davis actually said recently that Dylan O’Brien was open to being in the movie. He originally just wanted to make a cameo, but Dylan changed his mind and said he’d do a couple days of filming. I imagine he would’ve been in the final battle. Jeff Davis said Dylan seemed unsure though, so he pretty much told Dylan he can either have a main role in the movie or not be in it at all. Dylan chose not to be in it. So it’s pretty much Jeff Davis’s fault.


I also read that the reason Dylan turned it down was because the movie seemed so rush. So you’re right it really is all Jeff Davis’s fault.


Actually the movie date and Colin was interfere with Dylan’s recording schedule was one of the main reasons. Another reason was that Dylan said that where he left his character off in the series, was fine to him and he didn’t want to mess with it with this movie. After the movie, the cart were discussing mor movies in the future and Dylan said he was going to be in those of the future movies did come. It’s not Jeff’s fault for anything. It was just messing with his schedule and Dylan was fine to where he left his character off.


Yeah that’s what he said at first, but after the movie was released, he revealed the real reason for not being on the movie, because it seemed rushed to him.


It’s been said time and time again; Stiles is definitely the smart one. Lol!


I kind of feel like this would have worked if they did a short series instead of a movie. The biggest issue is how rushed it felt but if they had done a short series they could have developed more background on the characters' lives 15 years later and the plot would've been waaaay stronger. btw the girl who plays Malia specifically told Jeff Davis she wanted a nude scene and the guy who plays Parrish said the same thing, which is why they ended up together out of process of elimination lmaooo.


That just makes their “relationship” even that more ridiculous and pointless and Jeff Davis look like a lazy writer!


Definitely! He never was a good writer to begin with (as evident in the Wolf Pack spin-off show which is even worse!!). I don't even know why they had to include a new relationship dynamic at all because realistically it makes sense for everyone to drift away from each other after high school. I guess the gimmick is that Malia and Parrish stayed in Beacon Hills when everyone left, making them closer??? idek what to say....


I do, declare the movie as non-canon and/or a bad fanfic and stick with 6A or 6b as the overall ending of teen wolf. That’s what I did


Also having Kira in this would've been cool but her character wasn't as important as I thought it would be to the nogitsune story. She would've probably been as relevant as Mason or Liam.


Yeah the ones that turned down the movie are the lucky/smart ones! So many great characters were sidelined and/or regressed


Omg sorry for another comment, I'm watching while commenting but this is my last! I think Eli is a total mix of Scott and Stiles not just Stiles like you guys and others have been saying. He has the storyline of Scott repressing his wolf out of fear, sitting on the benches until suddenly getting better, etc. But his mannerism is like Stiles, which arguably could be said to be just like an actual average teenager with rebellion and snark. He literally embodies season 1 if you really think about it which is an interesting choice to add, perhaps for extra homage to the series.

Dj 🥀

teen wolf will always be one of my favorite cringing moments that happen in the show