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Sissy's marriage to Carl is very complicated. We obviously see they have had troubles, Carl stays out late and comes home drunk. He constantly makes snide comments towards Sissy AND Vanya. Also when Sissy told Vanya that Carl's brother is a state trooper, she was terrified and shaking because she said that if he got wind that she was gonna run away that he would do something to her. I'm not in any way excusing cheating but Sissy's reasoning for being with Vanya is not because she fell out of love with Carl, I think its a lot of other things that have added up over the years. In fact I'm not sure she was ever in love with him. Back then a lot of marriages began out of convenience. Women would marry someone introduced to them that had a stable job and money and men would settle down with women who seemed like they would make a good wife and mother. The way Carl treated Sissy in front of Vanya and objectified her was very telling. He smacked her behind and kept grabbing her when its clear she was uncomfortable but he was insistent that they have a "romantic" night because she is HIS wife. Of course maybe I'm reading too much into it but that's what I have pulled from what we have seen so far.