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yall are in for a treat this season


“Chill wolverine” she got stood the fuck up. She didn’t know why. Let it out and rip some shit if you’ve got the claws. 🤷🏻‍♀️

mateo owmby

It has be tyler I mean if you look at the monster closely it look like him


Didn't they release the EP 4 reaction last night? Now it's gone lol


This show is literally the best can’t wait for the next one


Girls Scouts-reference to the lemonade scene in first 90s film, pilgrims- Family Values summer camp. I was loving all these little Easter eggs in this episode. Key for Tyler being the monster is the monster’s hair it is curly and short like his. Xavier if he was the monster it wouldve been longer. The first episode I was suspecting Tyler because of the hair, but the red herrings they kept throwing out in this season had me second guessing myself.