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Jay Darnell

this whole episode was like watching attempted murder over and over. ☠️ can't wait for season 3.

Jay Darnell

11:55 Bakugou's full name is Katsuki Bakugou. Katsuki is his first name and "Kacchan" is the childhood nickname given to him by Deku. It's a combination of "Katsuki" and the honorific "chan." "Chan" is most often used for little girls, though, so it's astonishing that Bakugou still lets Deku call him that. ☠️


His first name is Katsuki and his last name is Bakugou, but everyone calls each other by their last name because referring to someone by their first name is considered intimate. Deku created a nickname based on Bakugou’s first name, Ka(tsuki) and added “cchan” which is a kind of diminutive for girls instead of tsuki.