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Perfection Akinwande

Hella creepy I was on here all but 30 seconds ago and I was like man I really want season finale of umbrella academy and just like that y’all providing hope ur all having a good Christmas period !!❤️❄️


I love vanya sm, im ready for s2


I know is you guys aren’t really feeling this show but season 2 is way better than the first one!


Y’all I can’t wait for them to watch s2

Amanda P

S2 is definitely better. Also fuck the dad and fuck Luther they're the absolute worst and the problem


s2 is the best season so far


For once I disagree with Nathan, yeah Vanya went off the edge but Luther was the catalyst for what happened twice. First he tries to lock her up like their father (without the know how) and then he tries to stop her during her concert. Luther was the biggest menace this season. All Vanya wanted was connection, especially with her family, and Luther treated her the same way her father did at every opportunity and reinforced the way Vanya thought the family felt about her.


They should of put the first couple mins of season 2 at the end of season 1, the dead drop at the end feels kinda ehhhh


I admit while watching S1 my sister and I were like "Wtf is happening?" about 80% of the time and a lot of things direction, plot, and acting wise didn't make sense. However, I'm gonna give the show the benefit of the doubt because for the first season they were definitely figuring things out and trying to cram a bunch of storylines from the original comics into one pilot season. They had to fit a lot of backstory and powers and plotlines into one season because even though comic book fans were hype for it, they also needed to not only draw in new viewers, but they needed the viewers to UNDERSTAND key factors of the show. That being said S2 is SO much better like it's definitely my favorite season and you can tell they put more effort and took the time to make sure everything flowed well and connected without leaving the viewers super confused. I think they should have put the first few minutes of season 2 in S1's finale (tbh I forgot that they didn't and was waiting to see it with you guys lol) but it's probably because they didn't know the full plan of S2 yet nor did they get approved for a 2nd season that early.


Season 2 is the best season, I can't wait


Because ST season 1 didn’t make sense to you, or 80%, doesn’t mean it was that way for everyone else. It made sense.


lmao i think she’s talking about the umbrella academy…not stranger things