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The cell they locked Vanya in was “Vanya-proof” but she used her own heartbeat, which really you can’t stop or prevent.

Xavier Coburn

The dad definitely knew how to control her powers he had three solutions the pills, that room, and making alison tell her she's ordinary and they took away two of those so putting her in that room was pointless

Crystal Laherrere

To relieve some of the Vanya hate she’s been pushed aside, ignored, and made to believe there’s nothing special about her from a family full of specials. Even in adulthood this deep rooted childhood trauma, which affected every one of those kids, kept her from connecting to anybody. Leonard comes along and shows a true interest in her but that ends up being a lie. This reinforces that no one loves her then she goes home and gets locked up. Yes her siblings fought to let her out but they still left her down there. This whole season has really been about the academy facing their trauma and working together, this still hasn’t happened.

Crystal Laherrere

Oh and since Luther really is the weakest that should say something about the dad’s number system. They are numbered by power strength but in reverse so Vanya is the strongest, then Ben, Five, Klaus, Allison, Diego, and last Luther. Who I’m not gonna lie he’s the reason for all this, not a fan.


Luther is definitely the weakest member however in comics they are ranked by usefulness 1 to 7, 7 to 1 does relate to strongest to weakest


Vanya will always be my favorite

Crystal Laherrere

Interesting I never got to far in the comics. What I read was good but I’m so bad at finishing things. With that in mind it’s really cool that Vanya doesn’t just have this insane ability but always seemed to be Hargreeves right hand person, so sad that if he wasn’t just a bad father figure she would’ve been the best hero ever.