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“Just one peek, I wanna see what it looks like…I’m sorry.” When I tell you I cackled like a witch😂😂😂


Ep8 and forward- it's a ALOT crazier


Im sorry but im Team Vanya😭


I think their dad knew an apocalypse was coming but I don't think he knew that VANYA was the cause of it. When Reginald is introduced they basically say he believed the world could one day face doomsday and that they needed heroes to save them, that's why he created the Umbrella Academy in the first place. They were meant to fight crime and train in preparation for any type of big cataclysmic type event or threat that could occur in the future. Also, he said that he killed himself so that ALL FIVE of them can come together and become a team again, so that means he considered Vanya part of that team and not the cause of the apocalypse.


Y'all were talking about who has it worst and mentioned Diego, Luther and Vanya so I'm gonna advocate for Klaus and Five (just for fun! since we all know that ALL of them have their own shit they are going through). For Klaus, he is forced to see dead people and was also locked up in a CEMETERY as a child and bombarded by dead spirits. All of this scarred him so bad that he had to drug himself up so much so he doesn't have to continue seeing dead people because not only do they scream or wail but he sees them in whatever gory state they died in AND he can't control his power that well so they all bombard him at once. Then you add on the fact that he accidentally traveled to the past, ends up in a war, falls in love for the first time, and then has to witness the death of the love of his life. As for Five, let me just give you the main thing; he got stuck in the future and in the apocalypse AT THIRTEEN YEARS OLD and had to witness his home and WORLD destroyed and his siblings' dead bodies under rubble. Then he had to live there until his late 50s, all alone surviving off of cockroaches and old canned soups and befriending/romancing a mannequin until he was approached by that lady and was coaxed into essentially becoming a time assassin. The only good thing that came out of being an assassin was that it gave him a small sliver of hope that he could somehow make it back to save his family and stop the end of the world but even that ended up as a disaster because he miscalculated and is now stuck in his 13 year old body again and has no idea how to stop the impending apocalypse.