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This is not meant to be taken in a mean way but we need you all to relax about commenting asking where a specific show is in a completely different shows comments. It has even gotten to the point where it almost sounds demanding. It is not fair to the people who don't watch the show you're asking for. We have a multitude of shows we react to. not one show is more special then the other. It also adds more pressure on us when we already have to work a 9-5 job and still do the channel as the channel still does not pay all the bills. So until then sometimes uploads will be spaced out. All we ask is to have patience. We still upload main shows just about every week. Don’t think we don’t overly appreciate you all for going the extra mile with support, we just want to keep everything peaceful and fair to everyone!



Nice! Glad everyone’s on the same page.


Also maybe if you guys find the time or even have one anymore. A new schedule post of the shows. Idk if you’ve already posted and I missed or not doing one because it more a find a time to record thing. Just a thought. 😃


Thank you for saying this


I'm so sorry people are arrogant to realize that you guys have lives too instead of always making videos all the time. You guys don't deserve this kind of hate and people demanding. People really need to calm down, you have jobs, a life. Videos don't always pay for the bills and that's very understandable, and bills are outrageous, so is everything else. So please take your time uploading, Most of us can wait because it's worth waiting because we know you're trying your best for us <33.


Omg so glad you said this, was getting so annoying seeing all the outer banks comments. There’s no rush guys :))


I think people forget you guys aren’t just sitting binge watching shows for your own enjoyment, you’re watching things when you can and having lengthy discussions after every ep, making sure everything is entertaining for the viewers, editing/uploading them whenever is possible and that’s for multiple dif shows throughout the week. Ofc some times people are gonna have to wait to see the next video for the show they’re hooked on. A lot of us appreciate everything you guys do, glad you’re not letting people push yous for more when you’re already giving so much. Keep at it. 🖤


Thanks for this post. It’s not always easy to tell your customers to just stfu and be patient. Keep up the great work you guys! 😊


Yeess, take your time! those people need to chill


seriously! like do people think y'all just...forget? to upload?? the videos are done when they're done guys! those people are like whiny kids in a car going "are we there yet?" every 5 min


People gotta chill sometimes also they have life's


+2 Agree with above statement


+3 agree with the statement