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The answers to their misunderstandings in simple terms🤣: 1) eleven would have beat Vecna if Nancy Steve and robin did not intervene from the upside down. 2) El bringing max back doesn’t mean a new power, she’s telekinetic, if she can throw a body then she can telekinetically pump a heart like a defibrillator. 3) the mike&el scene was so significant because A) el could hear him & max couldn’t hear Lucas dustin or Steve. B) mikes voice was els version of music being the key back to reality. 4) the mind flayer is Vecna, the dust cloud itself was literally just a shadow-monster-like entity, but Vecna transformed it into the spider form and put his own conscious onto it, making Vecna the actual mind flayer. 5) remember that Vecna absorbs all the things he kills or has control over; all the lab kids, max’s conscience, demogorgons, demodogs, shadow monster(now mind flayer bc it’s vecnas projected conscience). Unlike El, Vecna absorbs victims, and that is where Max’s mind is.


i can't believe we're done with stranger things, im reallyyyy looking forward to see all the main characters back together and the focus being on Will just like season 1


i don't think El found some new superpowers to resurrect Max, i think she used the powers she already had to physically make her heart beat again, just like in season 1 when she squeezed the bully's bladder to make him pee


also, characters that i think are gonna die in season 5: ELEVEN AND WILL


Jonathan’s decreased screen time just makes me think he could be the one to be killed next season.


I think will will die not johnathan. It’s would make a lot of sense considering will connection to the upside down! If they kill one of the Byer boys it’ll be will In my opinion, he may just make the ultimate sacrifice to save his family and friends. Farthermore I think everyone who was in Cali lacked major screen time. Except for el. Mike will and johnathan didn’t really have much of a storyline this season!

Anthony Jackson

im sure everyone told you guys, but its a hive mind. Murray burned them demo dogs and it caused a chain reaction


Vecna is just reshaping the mindflayer but not controlling it. He’s obsessed with spiders his whole life. That’s why he drew it on his paper then shape the mindflayer into a spider form.

Maison Novak

Davion and Cameron - totally the kings of this reaction. Opinions and thoughts on point. Typically there's good takes all around but y'all just made the best points this episode. It really helped balance out how frustrating everything else was lol Like.. okay. Nathan's obsession with whether a character is "useful" or not?? Weird and so so frustrating. The idea that a character can only be good or loved if they're useful, that them being relatable and interesting isn't enough, and then to cling to that idea loudly and constantly like.. idk man. That's on the same level of yikes as the attitude that if you personally don't "get" the character, or you don't get the hype, then they're not great / don't deserve it. Eddie wasn't a character you identified with or related to, you didn't really like him, and all of that is fine but you don't have to be aggressively vocal against him. Like damn. 'Kay I just had to get that out (it was driving me bananas) but i'll skip the rest of my opinions because tbh a lot of it has already been said by others, like stuff in regards to the characters and the plot, and what hasn't been said doesn't feel important enough to add. But it was still a fun reaction to watch. I appreciate the time you guys put into doing these because you really don't have to. Nervously looking forward to your Umbrella Academy reactions and Stranger Things 5 needs to get here asap


not sure if anyone else had commented this, but el spinning the bottle at the end was not her going into maxes mind. el wasnt using her powers at all there. the bottles spinning reminded her of the time when her and max were in that room in season 3 playing spin the bottle to see whos mind el would go into (when she went into billys mind and saw heather). El was spinning the bottle thinking of that memory while also remembering when she held maxes hand in the hospital and tried to go into her mind while holding her hand, she found nothing.


also nathan is right, the mindflayer was shaped and made by vecna. thats why he was a spider. the upside down was nothing, an abandoned wasteland until vecna came in and made it his own creation. They thought vecna was a string of the mindflayer, but they were wrong. vecna is in control of the whole upside down, and is the reason its so deadly. why do you think we didnt see any demigorgans or demidogs when he first got sent there? he shaped it all. its his creation.


lmao i keep making comments as im watching. steve nancy and robin didnt get loose because of el. they got loose because hopper was saved by joyce and murray set fire to the demidogs/demigorgan. its all a hive mind. when one thing from the upside down gets hurt or badly beaten/burned, it hurts everything in the upside down.


i love when they get into intense conversations and forget the other pair and the camera are there LMFAO loving the passion