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Will coming out was needed. I hope the duffer brothers brings someone for him next season! Cause I think will now understands how much mike is in love with eleven. I feel like 2024 will be wills year! Hopefully a happy ending rather than sad!


Sadie Sink was in Taylor Swift's music video for All Too Well (10 minute version) along with Dylan O'Brien, so that's why she has Taylor's stamp of approval. You guys should check it out because I know Nathan loves Dylan haha 😂


NO SPOILERS but U see guys... here is the thing... vecna wants to see elle SUFFER thats why he wanted nancy to tell her everything she saw, hawkins being destroyed and all that, but yes your right he does want to kill her but a slow deaf as for the mind flayer well he dont really care what he does to her as long as she end up dead. Trust me there will be so much more clarity next episode just wait, also when is the finale reaction gonna be up


Taylor swift and Sadie sink are friends


Mille is awesome


Mike already said "I love her and I can't lose her again" in front of everyone back in S3 regarding El, so Will knows that already, is nothing new. But Will using El as a cover-up to express his love for Mike was him expressing himself and trying to make Mike feel better because he's hella insecure with his girlfriend. Just like El is, in a sense... So, Will gave Mike that confidence back with the painting and El was able to understand that she's not a "monster" after her experience with NINA.

Anthony Jackson

umbrella academy is mid imo, can't even front...... and not even close to stranger things level lol!


Vecnas been telling us his plan longer, much longer, than we realized. The bigger hand is where all his dark magic is kept, that’s why he uses it when he casts a spell and lifts traumatized people.


I’ll say it and it’s been said in social media, pretty sure the Duffers have given Charlie, who plays Jonathan, less screen time, lesser script and basically completely changed his character because of an incident at an LA airport and some marijuana a couple of years ago. Duffers didn’t fire him but they basically changed his character related to what he got into trouble for, a stoner. No character falls off that much within one season without a damn good reason and Jonathan doesn’t have one to suddenly change character from career minded at the paper in season 3, to stoned out of his mind 24/7 in season 4. Nathan’s right on this. Steve and Nancy were still in the upside down. Steve shouted up through the opening to hurry up and find music and Erica passed the message on. The rope was right next to them plus there were vines completely covering the walls behind them. They were in Eddie’s trailer in the upside down still. It’s not Nancy’s mind if Steve is physically there trying to wake her up. Nancy was in the upside down version of the lab in her mind. Her body can be in one part of the upside down and her mind another. Nancy was never going to be killed, she was always the messenger.


Wait, he was involved in an incident years prior??? I did not know about this. I don't know that much of the actors lives outside of the show


Yes, you can Google it, It’s a theory a lot of people have had that his lessened screen time and less script was because of this. There’s no other reason they’d make his character decline like this.


didnt this happen back in 2017? i dont think they would ruin a character just for that? especially because it was not only him who didnt het any justice this season but also mike and will. I think it was just this storyline that couldve been developed in a better way without ignoring some of the most loved characters. But idk if what you said is confirmed so im just assuming


100% agree with you, mike storyline was weak this season, his only story line was being el boyfriend and being insecure, even though el was also insecure she had a great storyline as always after all she is the show, will storyline was his coming out but did he really come out? And than there johnathan and we all can see where his character may be headed. They fail these three and I don’t think it has anything to do with personal situations outside the show. It’s too many characters the duffer brothers should’ve been got rid of some.Justice for these 3 next season. I feel like they just through these 3 together cause they had nothing better to do with them lbs!


Not true, yeah mike may have said it back in season 3 but the way he said doesn’t hit the way you know he did which is different…you know what I’m saying to avoid spoilers, I don’t think will understood how much mike was in love at that time verse now, will is very much in love with mike and Noah confirmed that in an interview as well. The actor confirmed that will is definitely gay and he’s in love with mike! I mean it’s pretty hard to ignore The way he was looking at mike this entire season you would be blind not to see it. he obviously wants mike support but at the same time he’s still in love with him. I think now he knows that there can never be anything with him and mike but still was that love and care mike gives to eleven.


Not confirmed but it’s been a theory going around for a while. Finn Wolfhards career outside of Stranger Things started to get busier in terms of movies, so his decreased screen time is not that unusual. It happened in October of 2017, right before the premiere of season 2 event. They were starting filming on season 3 just a few days after, so the script was already written, so changes couldn’t be made, so yes, the duffers could absolutely have time to work out a storyline by script time for season 4 where Jonathan is less involved. Any press like that is bad press. Duffers would have been pissed. There was talk he could have been fired.

Anthony Jackson

Episode 9!! 😁 can’t wait.. 😭


I agree that Johnathan's character really fell off this season. It's frustrating to see someone who was incredibly down to earth, a great son , brother, and boyfriend turn into an apathetic stoner. Can't even write it off as him using it to cope with stress and everything in his life or the lame excuse that he is slowly distancing himself from Nancy so they don't sacrifice their dreams and end up resenting each other in the future because that just does not line up with Johnathan's personality from the last 3 seasons. In fact the thing that makes the LEAST amount of sense was him not being there for Will when everything he has done since DAY ONE has been to protect Will and his family. If the Duffer brothers wanted to give Johnathan this storyline and use the stress in his life and the relationship trauma his parents gave him as an excuse then they should've put more effort into it rather than make him just be stoned out of his mind and irritated 90% of the time. His parents relationship was never taken into account before and never affected their relationship. Otherwise Johnathan would've brought it up and sympathized with Nancy when she brought up her own trauma on relationships regarding her parents marriage back in season 1 and Johnathan would have been WAY more hesitant to get together with her but instead his only reason was because he thought she was still in love with Steve. Johnathan, Mike, and Will were all given the short end of the stick. The writers continuously make Will suffer on his own and yes he has his friends but in the last 2 seasons the reoccurring theme was that his friends grew apart and just did not pay attention to him and now even his own brother and Mom don't know what he's going through. They have watered down Mike's character to just being El's insecure and immature boyfriend when originally Mike is one of the characters with the BIGGEST heart who always takes charge and whose number one priority has always been his friends, namely El AND Will. The entire conflict between Mike and Will last season was that they were growing apart and Mike didn't seem to care and Will regarded El as Mike's "stupid girlfriend" but then Mike realized he messed up, they both apologized, and promised to keep in touch only for the same thing to happen again this season. It truly feels like they just threw these 3 together because they didn't know what to do with them like most of their scenes so far were just driving, yelling, and being insecure :/


i agree 100%, I heard that next season Will is going to be very important in the story so I really hope that the characters that didn’t shine this season will get some justice

Peter Schön

Please post episode 9 as soon as possible. I am sitting on needles.


It probably will be Saturday as their st drop is Tuesday and Saturday


I do agree to some degree about Jonathan, but he was high only for 2 episodes and a half, the rest of the time he was alert, attentive, drove the van until exhaustion and he realized what Will was going through. If anything, Will and Jonathan having the shittiest father has affected them because Jonathan has visibly taken the Father role in the family, and exactly for that reason is why he's afraid of leaving Will and Joyce. It's pretty obvious he feels like he has to take care of them, and I hope Will makes him realize that he can be selfish and live his life as well. So, Jonathan is dealing with his own shit. All the characters are! So, don't go to hard on Jonathan. If anything, at least him and Nancy have a mutual dream and goal (even if Jonathan was not being honest about being accepted at the same Uni Nancy got into), so there is a share interest, but he's scared and insecure... We'll see what happens in S5.


Oh absolutely! the fact that ppl even compare that show to ST is ridiculous


I live in gmt+3. What time do they usually drop it?


I really hope so too especially since these 3 started out as such well-rounded characters. Will's disappearance kicked off the show and his connection to the Mind Flayer was such a great storyline and made season 2 so impactful along (with Eleven's backstory and power upgrade). I really wish they would tap more into that instead of him being tortured by the lingering connection and just feeling tense and afraid. As for Mike I truly hope we get to see him being the "heart" of the group again in order to lead their party and I hope Johnathan figures out what he truly wants and puts himself first for once.


I understand what you're saying I realize I was a bit harsh on Johnathan but I was mostly upset at the writers not giving him enough and making him withdraw himself from his own family and especially Will. But I get the stress, pressure, and responsibility he feels he must bear. I just hate the way he handled it, I hope in season 5 he finally puts himself first and pursues whatever dream he wants. Oh and slightly unrelated but I also hope that they don't use Nancy and Steve getting back together as a cop out and extra fuel to end Nancy and Johnathan's relationship. It's not that I don't like Nancy and Steve together (I love Steve he is a real GOAT) but it feels like it cheapens both relationships, like the first major conflict in Jancy's relationship and she already falls for Steve again?? I just think Steve deserves to move on and find someone new and if anything I think Nancy is such an amazing character that her storyline should not be based around or so focused on her love life and who she's gonna end up with. I wanna see her continue to stand on her own like the badass she is.


they just said they’re out of town for the weekend…idk if that means they still can’t upload and we’ll have to wait til monday :(

Peter Schön

They just uploaded on youtube 25 minutes ago so Seems like They can. Maybe they have others that do that.


We can use the youtube app on the phone just can’t upload stuff to patreon from the phone

Peter Schön

Alright. I only Said that because i thought you guys then edited the video before posting it.


I definitely think you guys give mike way too much false credit. that monologue and mikes actions are not convincing at all. mike is in love with the idea of el, not her. the only person mike knows on a deep enough level is Will. El barely knows herself and what she likes, mike knows little to nothing about her still.


Who else came back🥹?