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Watch "Supernatural | 7x13 REACTION!!" on Streamable.



C’mon guys… do a binge session so we can get through this season quicker and on to better ones lol You should consider reacting to Timeless—Eric Kripke also created that show, and it’s fairly short, just two seasons.


I feel really bad for Dean in this episode-he clearly struggled with killing Emma because she was his daughter-even though she was a monster. I think it’s also clear that he is REALLY struggling with Cas and Bobby being gone. I think this is the closest we’ve seen in a long time (if ever) of him wanting to just give up. Dean isn’t the type to open up about his feelings.. he keeps it all in. That poor guy needs a hug and a win. 💙


I forgot the middle section of this season minus Garth episodes and Bobby's suck


I love how she threw dean. It's exactly what I would done . Fight me for dominance. I like it.