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Stranger Things | 4x5 Watch-Along REACTION!!

Watch "Stranger Things | 4x5 Watch-Along REACTION!!" on Streamable.



How can I see the watch along


is it normal that there is no screen sharing on this long version because after 20 minutes I did not understand why there was still nothing ?


We have to watchalong on a different tab or different screen for copyright reasons . Also episode are getting longer and people want to see the watchalongs ASAP.


Watch via split screen, different tab or second monitor. I usually press play after Nathan says 2 and it syncs.


how do i watch this?


In response to people not liking that they can't see the episode when they are watching it...you guys, put the episode on Netflix and start when Nathan does. Or open it up on another window and start when Nathan does. Simple and easy! :)


you put patreon page on one side of the screen, netflix to the other side and you try to sync both videos


Hi there, quick question as I'm a new sub and not sure about the answer. Why did 4x4 have clips with the watch a long and this did not? Will the future watch alongs not have clips as well. Thanks!


first episode is full yea nun but waste of time simple no would do it


*Davion and Miles quietly talking about not liking the Steve and Nancy angle this season.* Me: 😬


its 11pm and i work 12 hours tomorrow but this is more important


the stare in the desert scene when mike and will were shoveling is a mixture of will realizing mike just took a lot of heat from argyle and also just silent pining... leading right into their little talk. Mike also doing a triple take when he caught will staring and panicking going back to shoveling.. yeah this show had hidden layers. this is just one of many examples with those two


someone else is editing stranger things now so might be because of that


Okay that makes sense. I hope they bring back the cutaway scenes and made it nice for viewing experience.


Can you have audio playing during the watch along? It's hard to keep track cause even at the exact time frames, I'm still off.


Me too, was perfect for not being able to watch the entire episode.