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Watch "Cobra Kai | 5x8 REACTION!!" on Streamable.


Xavier Coburn

Plus hawk lost every fight he was in the 1st and second season he only technically has 3 wins in this whole show and every student gets hella good after just a couple months the only people who trained for a little over a year is robbie and Miguel


Miguel did nothing wrong. Point blank period and hasn’t just been a few days that’s past, it’s been a few weeks considering Daniel’s injuries are just about healed. (Which if you wanna argue if two weeks or so still isn’t a long enough time that’s fine)But the most significant part that was left out here is that from Miguel’s POV, Sam told him that she needed a break from everything including him and Karate. And she’s quite literally doing karate in front of his face everyday now. So it wouldn’t be hard to assume that a part of him feels like maybe she doesn’t actually want to be with him. This man quite literally broke down in tears and took that situation better than most teens would have so I’m not going to give him crap for having a broken heart and trying to move on from it. Sam’s feelings are 100% valid but Miguel ain’t wrong.


Miguel and sam hadnt just broke up, judging from hawks hair length its


Judging from hawks hair length its probably been at least 3 months so sam and miguel hadnt just broken up


sam has done so much on the show to prove she’s quite literally one of the worst characters on the show and everything i think she changed, she does something to prove me wrong..miguel doesn’t owe her anything


sam did do some messed up things but she’s definitely not the one who did the worst of them all. hawk, johnny, robby even kenny have done worst things than sam but alr let’s only give sam shit cause she’s a privileged white girl


I love you guys but why does it always seem like your friendship is gunna end over your arguments post reaction 😂 poor Miles 🤣


they have but i feel the all have proved that they have changed overall …sam has not changed …has nothing to do with her being white


But that’s the thing she wasn’t mad at him just heartbroken. Everybody gets sad and heartbroken when they see someone they still have feelings for move on. It’s completely understandable. Sams not in the wrong for that and has every right to be upset and sam only broke up with Miguel twice you act like she broke up with him over 5 times.


love the elder conversation lol.

Patrick L

I'm with u on that, I was so pissed when they had Kenny beat Hawk because Kenny is nowhere near Hawk's level.


Nowhere near I agree but he got caught with one punch. It happens all the time in professional fights


Nah you right. Imma be real the whole Hawk thing had me heated this episode so I wasn’t even thinking fully straight - nathan


lmfaoo we’re just passionate don’t worry about any of our discussions ending friendships or anything. I mean we live with each other we atleast like each other enough for that lmao


Is this Nathan? Your dad man was just done today 😂 Im more around your dads age (older than the average age of people that comment I think) and I felt his pain today. In my head I was doing Murray from ST “Children!, Children!, Children!” And I thought the ST season 3 finale was an intense post discussion 😂


Lol totally not worried. I've been there multiple times 😂


I agree with Nathan hawk got nerfed because s2-s3 hawk would have won that fight Kenny had only won because of plot armor like Daniel in KK1 because they would have to get BOTH teams into the world tournament some how so