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Watch "Stranger Things | 3x8 Watch-Along REACTION!!" on Streamable.



it was going for El. Billy stood in the way challenging the flayer because he snapped out of it and realized giving El to the Flayer was wrong and not what he wanted to do. The flayer didn't recognize that and still thought Billy was under it's influence So went it launched out it would have just went straight for el but either (A) the flayer didn't recognize that Billy was standing a little in the way because it didn't see Billy as a threat/challenge and was just going for El anyway, or (B) It would have just went straight past Billy to El So either way Billy was protecting El and not himself. The Flayer only got violent against Billy when he grabbed it and realized Billy was no longer under its influence and since he wasn't useful anymore or 'broken' the flayer killed him. If you look close to where the flayer was looking and the camera angles it was going for her. (I'm siding with Davion on this one and I can also agree with Miles if he recognizes that he was still protecting her) Also if anyone fully believes it was going for Billy at first sure you could make that argument but that only happened after he got awoken and decided to protect El. So if the flayer noticed him as a threat right when he squared up to it, he did that to protect El, If he wanted to save himself he would have squared up and got in a protective stance...so.


the fact that the song that plays when El says I love you to Mike is called "the first i love you" makes it all the more beautiful