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Supernatural | 6x12 REACTION!!

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I love Jared's acting in this episode! So good to see true soul Sam back!


Purgatory is not just the “in between”. The Alpha Vampire explained what Purgatory was a few episodes ago. Purgatory is where the souls of monsters and creatures go when they die. It’s full of every monster besides ghosts that the Winchesters hunt.


Destiny and Fate are basically the same which means no matter what you do and no matter the choices you make you will always end up where you are “supposed” to be and do what you’ve already been foretold to do. The belief of Fate and Destiny fully removes Free Will and choice over your life and its also is a cop out for bad decisions and personal growth. Personal responsibility and growth determines what caliber of human being you are and believing in destiny and fate absolves you of any critical look at yourself so you don’t have to question what you believe or think because you’ve already decided that everything you do is predetermined and you don’t have a choice to be a certain way or think a certain which is false because it’s your choices that make you who are as a person. We are all born into this world with things we cannot change or choose I.e. Ethnicity, Race, sexual orientation, gender, family background, country of birth, economic and social and political system. Which means those things are decided for us before birth and growing up we can only do but so much to change or grow within each of our respective lives as we see fit as an individual but at some point when we are of the age of awareness within ourselves and the world around us it becomes our choice to decide who we want to be and that’s why belief in destiny and fate isn’t the right way for being a critical thinking and growing person.

Susan Stork

I'm not saying Davion is right or wrong, but I will say he constructs a fascinating story. Maybe he should write for shows like this😊


Finally got Sam with a soul again. I also love getting to see Jensen with his perfect comedic timing. The perfect opposite to Jared's seriousness. Purgatory is the place where non-humans go. Vampires, Shapeshifters, Werewolves, they all go to purgatory. Cant wait to see you guys figure out who the Mother of All is. No spoilers from me though. I also think when Dean said he got the sword from Comic Con, I think that was a subtle shout out to the fans. For many years when this show was airing, Jared and Jensen and lots of the rest of the cast would got to Comic Con and now there is still Supernatural conventions like every month. Great reaction guys!💜