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Teen Wolf | 5x9 Cut REACTION!!

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Davion, thank you so much for placing the blame equally on Scott and Stiles! Myles, I am right there with you about hating Theo with a serious passion!


I remember yelling at the screen “JUST TELL HIM IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!” at Stiles! Yes Scott screwed up for believing Theo, but stiles should’ve come clean about what happened sooner (thank you Cameron!). Also I remember how mad I was at stiles for basically dehumanizing his best friend!


To me 5x10 is one of the best episodes in the show! Hope u'll enjoy it <3


I remember crying during that episode! Especially during a particular scene involving Scott, Mason, and Melissa!


I agree with y’all on some aspect on that scene with stiles and Scott cause yes they were both at fault however my only reason why I feel as if Scott is more at fault is for one he didn’t ask questions and two he chose to believe some random dude he’s known for two weeks that stiles has been telling him the whole time that there’s something off about him over his best friend aka his brother. I just feel like after all they’ve been through he out of anyone should know stiles would never go that far. Plus on a side note that line that stiles delivers about being human is in my top five favorite lines in teen wolf


Considering all that stiles has been through (void) it’s always a possibility that he could snap, remember the kind of guy Deucalion used to be before Gerard blinded him? Also that whole “ some of us are human” I found that more insulting than inspiring especially because Scott wasn’t always a werewolf and considering how important his humanity is to him


First of all, Davion is funny as hell,, when he made up the analogy about Nathan shitting on the floor 😭😭. Also the bias towards Stiles is ridiculous my god 😭, Stiles literally looks guilty given the fact that he didn’t say a peep to anyone, lied to Malia about it, and then didn’t say anything about self defense when specifically asked “so you had to kill him?” Cameron and Davion were right in my opinion. Saying “he was gonna kill my dad”, sounds like it was premeditated…. They were acting like Scott had to hold Stiles’ hand this entire conversation when all Stiles had to do is say the words “self-defense” instead of “he was gonna kill my dad” and then yelling at taking digs at Scott for being a werewolf and a true alpha. Scott gave him a chance to explain and he chose not to. And also if Stiles really didn’t trust Theo and he knew that Theo told Scott, it should have at least crossed his mind that Theo had lied. He couldn’t have just trusted that Theo told him the actual story. If Scott knew it was in self-defense and that donavan was trying to kill him, he wouldn’t have asked “so you had to kill him?”.


I believe that most of the blame is on Scott. Remember, Theo told Scott that Stiles bashed Donovan’s head in but Stiles doesn’t know the story that Theo told Scott. So, he probably thinks that Scott is upset because he defended himself. Scott should have asked questions to get the full story from his friend instead of fully trusting Theo…


all stiles had to do was say it was an accident! Instead all he said was “he was gonna to kill my dad”


Honestly, I get why Scott was mad at Stiles he didn't even tell him about what he did, which by itself would be suspicious from Scott's point of view he had to hear it from Theo. Also, the place and time they had the conversation in wasn't good...they were in a rush in the middle of fighting others and that's probably why Scott didn't go into detail. But I remember watching it the first time my I had the same reaction and thoughts I was mad at Scott for not asking him the right questions. its all misunderstanding

Bridget b

Ah the episode that split the fandom when it aired lol. Scott and stiles friendship is the best relationship on the show and when this ep aired people were fighting all over the place lol. I am more on stiles side on this but I do agree they're both at fault that stiles should've explained more but at this point in the conversation it seems to stiles like Scotts already made up his mind so why should stiles start explaining at least that's how I saw it. What really got to me was Scott immediately believing Theo that stiles killed someone like that, and why didn't Scott ask more questions? Instead of already thinking stiles is in the wrong his best friend since they were kids and then saying he's not going to give Hayden the bite? Why? It sucks to see the pack fracture like this though.


I really think that with everything he’s going through Scott is just reaching his breaking point if he hasn’t already! Also stiles had no reason to dehumanize his best friend like that! And truthfully I understand why he’s not gonna give her the bite, considering the state she’s in there’s more likely chance she could die from it, like Paige did


I can understand both of their points about Stiles and Scott’s fight, but I always get mad at that part where stiles raises the wrench and steps forward and Scott backs up scared like he thinks Stiles would ever actually try to hurt him


He’s probably thinking back to when void Stiles twisted that sword in his stomach back in 3B


Honestly I don't know if Im gonna get hate for this but I believe that the argument was necessary for both Stiles and Scott. Stiles saw it coming, the fact that he didn't say anything was his mistake.. he always keeps everything inside and this ONE time he shouldn't have. And for Scott he tends to forget that Stiles is not supernatural but expects the same level of mental strength that he has, and how easy he trusts in strangers season by season, it's always the same... Someone comes in and he immediately trusts them so.. yeah for me this was an attention call for both of them and it was necessary.


When Stiles said "Just tell me how to fix this" I bursted out crying. Sobbed so hard throughout the entire episode that my sister came to check in and I told her Teen Wolf was brutal lmao. The only thing that hurts more than people not believing when you tell the truth, is people you love deliberatedly making the choice to turn away from you.


Scott is in a position of power here, which makes him a little more responsible than the other for getting all the facts straight before making any assumptions/decisions. And while I do agree with the "we can't kill people" agenda, Scott has been pushing it way too hard on people who don't get to have the same physical advantages he does. Scott knew Donovan was a Chimera, which means he knew Donovan had supernatural abiilities in general. He also knew that this supernatural human was also about to be convicted to years in prison for armed robbery. Scott himself witnessed Donovan threatening the Sheriff, the staff and Stiles himself. So, when this dude Theo that just appeared to continuously and conveniently save him from trouble (which Stiles pointedly thought of as suspicious, and knowing the past, Stiles's gut feeling is right most of the time) tells Scott that this dangerous, convicted crimminal with supernatural abilities went to murder his ordinary, strenght-less, gets-out-of-breath-at-lacrosse-practice-weak, known-since-wearing-diapers-human best friend and failed, Scotts main concern is that he died brutally? What negatively surprised Scott is that his vulnerable, traumatized best friend killed the guy and made sure he would stay dead? If I was a human living among supernatural people and throughout my teenage years I had encountered numerous villain murderers who come back to life (aka, Peter, Kate, the Nogitsune, the darach, etc) and accidentally kill yet another supernatural dude that was himself trying to kill me, I sure as hell would bash his head in a lil more to make sure he stays dead. If his death wasn't on me, but happened still, I wouldn't mind making sure he's not gonna come back to life to continue to try kill more people. If he's already dead, hitting his head a bit more isn't any more terrible, especially when you're a stressed, traumatized teenager who's high on fear and adrenaline thanks to being mortally chased down. Then why is Scott so shocked? This is the kid he has known his entire life, he must know better than to think Stiles didn't do anything other than his best to get out of that situation as smoothly and harmlessly as he can. He should know better than to assume Stiles just went bonkers and killed Donovan for anything other than survival. Especially since Scott himself is in a position of power. He can't ask others to use the same survival method when they don't all have the same abilities. Yet he (and Theo, mainly Theo) managed to push his "don't kill under any circumstance" agenda so hard that when came down to it, Stiles didn't trust him and his judgement enough to tell him what had happened. Scott gave them that mentality so hard that when it came to it, Stiles himself wasn't sure that the whole ordeal could be classified as self defense enough to be forgiven............................................YET I don't blame Scott completly (more like a 60-40 situation) because he (just as everyone else) is not only underage, but a teenager who did not choose to be an Alpha, or to be a werewolf at all. Unlike Jackson, Scott didn't insert himsef in the narrative, he was pushed to it and he has tried to do his best since. It is a lot of responsability and it comes with a lot of pressure, especially when you're not a naturally witty kid nor a very popular one. Scott legit just wants peace by all means yet these bad guys keep parading towards him. It must be hard to lead a group of outstanding individuals while being the most underwhelming and ordinary out of all of them (past-wise). And because he is being carefully manipulated by Theo, who is also a teenager who somehow got teammed up with the centuries old gory Dread Doctors, he ended up too troubled and stressed to get all the facts. First he gets scared of his girlfriend (Malia's hallucinations were about being chomped by hunting traps, Lydias was getting her tongue forced out of her throat and Scott's was his *Girlfriend*. That is saying something) who apparently starts killing people while sleep walking. His female best friend, who is having active ptsd from the DD, is looking for her widely known villanous mom who wants to kill her, his methaphorical son, who he turned into a werewolf (which probably makes him feel guilty) is literally a mini him, about to get his tiny heart broken by seing his own tiny Allison, his bestfriend apparently doesn't trust him enough to tell him he killed a person and the only guy that seems helpful gets constantly painted like the villain by his best friend; that is way too many problems for a 17 year old who is also failing his last year of highschool. (Lydia is just smart and useful so I'm not including her). Lets cut Scott some slack, in the end, the Dread Doctors are the ones to blame the most.


Also I wanted to have a discussion about this because I feel like a lot of people say Scott’s morals are very black and white. I know it’s because he is very much against killing but I don’t feel like he’s ever said like “all killing is bad, no killing ever” I feel like he just always tries to push to come up with a plan that doesn’t involve murder which isn’t inherently a bad thing, if they actively tried to murder every villain they came across that would come with a boatload of even MORE trauma especially for teenagers. And in this episode he says that they can’t murder people they’re trying to save meaning they’re the victims not the bad guys, they shouldn’t be out hunting them. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this? I just wanted to know why it bothers people so much or why they dislike it to THIS extent


Scott doesn't know the whole story tho. Theo manipulated Scott AND Stiles. Stiles was so scared to loose Scott that he waited too long to tell him the truth. Theo made it seem like Stiles completely lost it and killed him without remorse. We all know that's not how Stiles is but let's not forget that he was void not that long ago and there is for sure trauma from that on both Stiles and Scott. Specially when you have Theo telling the story like that. There has also been a few times where Scott and Stiles have disagreed on killing and not killing. If Stiles had just told him right there and then what actually happened, Scott would have listened to him. It's not like this is the first episode of the season. There has been so much stuff happening so far with Theo manipulating everyone and making both Stiles and Scott confused about everything. When you already have so much trauma from before then is so easy for people like Theo to come inn and ruin everything. I don't think is was just on Scott and you guys really don't give Scott much of a chance. This was on Stiles. He was the one this happened too and he trusted Theo over Scott because he was so scared. Same with Scott, he trusted Theo in the end because of everything going on lately. Scott is too trusting sometimes, like Stiles has said but they are both in the wrong. I didn't like Stiles using the whole true alpha against Scott just because Scott reacted negatively to him. Specially when he didn't tell him the whole story. Stiles was defending himself rather than explaining what happened. But why does Scott have to be the one to ask the right questions? Yes, he is the Alpha but it has always been pretty equal with Scott and Stiles because Stiles is usually the brains. Scott being the alpha does not mean he knows every right answer. He is still just a kid, just like Stiles.

Samantha Nicole

But like it wasn’t an accident….the beams didn’t accidentally fall. Stiles is extremely intelligent and quick on his feet. his intention wasn’t to take a life it was to do what was necessary to survive, there is a difference between an accident resulting in someone’s death and self defense, what happened with stiles is self defense he isn’t a murderer because the term implies malice but he did kill Donovan— he made the choice to pull the pin up from the rafters knowing it was a support pin and that the beams would fall, obviously the intention wasn’t for him to be impaled (maybe just have some fall on Donovan so he would stop) but stiles knew that it was still a possibility that they could impale him and still chose to do whatever it took to survive, so it wasn’t an accident

Jayden Jones

They were both at fault for not listening to one another but most of the blame is on Theo yet the fandom only shits on Scott for this argument… it’s so annoying lmao. It was a complete miscommunication between both of them.


Yall got alot of faith in deucalion n Derek 😂 they wasn't gone stop the dread doctors at all


But they was right it was stiles fault tvh he should've said he tried to kill him instead of his dad


Davion and cameron was right, yea scotts the alpha but he asked enough questions for stiles to explain, one thing that davion and cameron didnt mention wish i wish they did. was when scott clearly ask did you do it, and why....he also said “we’re not supposed to be killing people we’re trying to save” stiles coulda clearly said it was self-defense right there but he chose not to, he didnt even tell scott he had to find out from somebody else, yea yall gonna say he knew stiles for years but in scotts defense stiles also knew scott for years and choose not to even tell him, stiles wasnt even acting like himself when scott was asking him so you cant just say more of the blame is on scott,


It’s just easier for people to blame Scott because they love stiles and/or Theo so much!

Samantha Exama

You guys refuse to give Scott a chance. This is clearly on both of them....


Scott isn't an unreasonable person if stiles had told him when it happened Scott would've understood and believed him. Plus Scott clearly asked Stiles if he had to kill him that question alone gave stiles room to explain himself.


That’s why I hate people who blame Scott it wasn’t Scott’s fault it wasn’t stiles fault it was all theos fault


I will say this till I die it wasn’t Scott’s fault and it wasn’t stiles fault they only person to blame here is Theo.