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Hey Gang!  

My failed livestream on the 25th was a perfect ending to a shitberg of a year, but now that the fun is over I am packing up the last of the Lab.  I did a final inventory and had to cull out parts and supplies to go to the Vault since we will not have quite the room at the new space as we had here.  But in January I have three trucks scheduled to move the first 2/3ds of the crates, shelving, and desks.  It will be tricky since there is not anywhere near enough room in the new space to move everything at once (and no truck large enough) so it will be done in phases.  First I have to get all the crates and boxes moved out so that the shelving is cleared.  Then I have two days to break all the shelving down along with the workstations, and then those parts get moved over.  I then have a few days to assemble and secure the shelving in the new space, sort and load the crates on the shelves, and unpack as much as I can before the next phase which will be moving all the vinyl records, books, shelves, and other crap - and then there will be a couple weeks where I will be unpacking and putting all those shelves together to make room for the final phase in early February.   The final parts will involve moving the office and all my personal stuff, and during that time I will be off line for who knows how long.  But it will all happen, and by March I should be back in the swing of things in the new diggs.  

Here's looking at 2022!  🙄




Good luck with the move - you'll make it!


I hope everything runs as smoothly as possible!


Hope all goes well and hope it is the last time you have to move


Ach Fran, consider yourself bear hugged! I wish you all the best!


Thank you for the update! I know moving is a BIG hassle, but you will get through it! Just keep at it and keep a cool head, and you will succeed! All the best to you, and have a happy New Year! Good luck, Fran!


Have a Happy and Healthy New Year Fran. Hope the move goes better than planned and you find a big box of $50's that you forgot all about :-)


Sounds like you have your move all planned out. Like my wood shop teacher in Jr. High would say, "Plan your work then work your plan." Best wishes Fran.


I remember when there was a real threat about where you could possibly move on short notice. Then that huge problem was solved! This is actually great news considering the proximity of the new and old place. Just remember not to pick heavy things up with your back! Be safe.


Fran, Best wishes for the move and the new year. Curate the crap!! That's my goal for 2022.


To the next lab, and beyond. Best wishes for 2022 Fran :-)

Keri Szafir

Moving is a daunting task, but you've done it a few times. I'm absolutely sure you'll do great. Hoping for the best! :)


Aye.. 2021 was pretty crappy for everyone. Hope 2022 will be better for you and don't fret, I am not going anywhere so try not to stress too much ok?


Good luck with the move. Are you on the lookout for a bigger combined industrial space to combine the workshop and storage?


Please tell me you have a "Pizza & Beer" crew lined up! Whenever I've helped friends move, I always clearly state my fee. In your case, I'd use P&B folks at least for getting things off the shelving, shelving down, reassembled and reloaded. Perhaps you are using professionals for the relocation itself? When there's lots of bulk stuff, they're worth every single penny: Those folks know how to Git'er Done! I know you've done this way too many times already and have little need of advice. I just can't help myself.

Mike O'Dell

2021 wore out its welcome quite some time ago. Here’s to a much, much better 2022, damned by faint praise that might be. All the best to Fran Labs Friends but most of all to Fran herself.


I'll miss you. And your films. Please have a smooth move. Be safe.


Go for it Fran, we'll be here when you're ready. In the meantime, here's something which may interest you- there's nothing quite like unidentified lab kit! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-59562636 Love from Liverpool!


Wow! Lotsa work Fran.😳 I hope it all goes according to plan. Cheers!


Fran, sending my support and will look forward to seeing you again.


I'm doing the same thing at the same time. Moving to my new place. - Phoebe