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Almost to the bottom of the barrel, but I wish I could show you more!



Film Update!! (2021)

Almost to the bottom of the barrel, but I wish I could show you more! Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/frantone #ElectronicsCreators #FranLab #Archive - Music by Fran Blanche - Fran's Science Blog - http://www.frantone.com/designwritings/design_writings.html FranArt Website - http://www.contourcorsets.com



Could you imagine to bite the copyright apple for the most interesting films with a kickstarter? The idea of giving these "copyright pimps" money is appalling, but given that otherwise those films get buried, I make the suggestion.


You hang in there! 💐💐💐💐💐


Don't feed the copyright trolls! The only way to beat them is to starve them.


It's a pity we won't get to see those films, they sound very interesting.


It's a little off topic, but deals with music copyright issues. I remember when Napster became a repository for every kind of music, no matter how obscure. I never used it, but I was fully aware of what was and that it stored music that was clearly copyrighted by the major music companies. I totally understand that downloading the music for free was completely unfair to the artists that composed the music and the distributors that were responsible for the physical distribution of the CDs or LPs. Provided it wasn't unreasonable, I would be all for paying the artists for their work. But here's where it really touched a bad nerve with me... It wasn't just pop, country, easy listening, new age, etc, that was plainly available on legal media. It was also a repository for all kinds of music that was extremely rare and sometimes nearly impossible to find. Many people have intense ties to music they heard during their first date, at a wedding, or a vacation, etc. that means the world to them. Those hard to find pieces of music were lost until Napster became a magnet for even the most obscure music. I watched a news show that asked questions of the music company executives and I was all for paying paying artists for their work. But then the question was asked "What about the obscure music that has no clear copyright, or owned by artists that never made the version of the song public?" The answer was totally unacceptable! They answered "Perhaps the music was a bootleg recording of a concert, or the copyright status was in dispute, or the artist/company didn't want it released for some unknown reason." People can have such an intense emotional connection to music, that denying that one song you may have heard in the background of when you proposed to your wife is finally found only to see it ripped away from you with no option to pay for it. THAT really touched a nerve! Who doesn't have a specific song that means the world to them? God forbid you find it only to lose it! The music industry was so far behind the curve that it took them years to realize it was a music distribution medium that was the best way to sell music legally without even having to press a CD! But the obscure songs, maybe unauthorized covers of popular songs or something, or otherwise not "legal" or unreleased became unavailable. That's what really angered me. But when it comes to industrial music for company films, even they have a market. There were a bunch of short promotional and sales movies McDonnell Douglas produced that had fantastic patriotic and uplifting cheezy soundtracks that I would LOVE to buy, if given the chance. Those old shorts were a testament to a time during the cold war where defense contractors spent incredible dollars to promote their new aircraft or missile systems. So when I heard you tell us that old 70s industrial music was being bought up by entities that really serve no good purpose, it infuriated me. I edited hundreds of video productions timed to music and now I know I could never post them to YouTube because all of them will have 3 pages of copyright claims on the music. In that way, people who feel passionate about sharing their videos just get kicked to the curb by greed. This really prevents those that have wide appeal for their videos from ever surfacing. It's a damn shame!

Nuts 'n' Proud

Fran, I am happy to help silence the audio for free. Just send one audio file to me and I'll silence the music. I don't think you see messages. I sent two and no reply.


Sorry to hear about Covid, I mist jave missed that post. Hopefully you have a proper and full recovery! There is a tool called "spleeter" which does an amazing job of isolating vocals from music. If you upload the videos to Wetransfer, krakenfiles, mega or something we can have a go with the audio (and enjoy these gems!!)


This one works on "AI" to break the tracks apart so no stereo required unlike the old "centre cut" ones of old. It essentially creates a "multitrack" which isn't anything like a real one but vocal isolation is credible all things considered. https://makenweb.com/SpleeterGUI Worth a try a least. I put it across another old video and it did a convincing job.