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A lot to unpack, and a lot of editing ahead... but things did not go quite as expected (or hoped for) on the flight, so here are my thoughts while I contemplate yesterday's most unusual day.  Enjoy!



My Zero-G Experience, Post-Flight

A lot to unpack, and a lot of editing ahead... but things did not go quite as expected (or hoped for) on the flight, so here are my thoughts while I contemplate yesterday's most unusual day. Enjoy! Additional video by Paul Gramaglia Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/frantone #Zero-G #gravity #NASA - Music by Fran Blanche - Frantone on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/frantone/ Fran on Twitter - https://twitter.com/contourcorsets Fran's Science Blog - http://www.frantone.com/designwritings/design_writings.html FranArt Website - http://www.contourcorsets.com


Dr Andy Hill

Well no matter if the recording didn't work out. You have still had the experience, and that will never leave you.


Honored fir yer earnest engineering attempt Fran 👍


I'm pretty sure everyone on Patreon and those who donated to you in other ways feel the same way I do: the video/audio stuff is a neat bonus, not the thing we donated for. Honestly if my twenty bucks a month means someone as cool as you gets to do such an awesome experience even if I don't get to see it in the best quality or whatever, it's 100% worth it.

Dr Andy Hill

Looking forward to all the videos!

David Peaker

I'm sure that whatever you come up with will be awesome! And it could have been much worse than full Gordo Cooper, it might have been complete Apollo 13.


What an experience! Could the problem with the gear be related to the high altitude/ lower air pressure? I could not find any environmental specs on the Zoom h6, but a max height for regular use is pretty common on consumer electronics.


Glad you had fun Fran, One day soon we will send you sub orbital or even into orbit!!

Phil in the kitchen

Yes, yes, yes... this is all very interesting ...but look 👀 ...a 'Cramps' t-shirt. Respect, Fran. Oh and RIP Erick.

Ben Wilson

Some recording devices have an accelerometer and will stop recording under a zero-g situation because they think the device is being dropped. Maybe check if any of your recorders that stopped working have drop/freefall detection. The feature exists to prevent memory card corruption if the card slot contacts momentarily glitch on ground impart.


You enjoyed it, that's all that matters. The technical hitch-ups make it more entertaining really. Oh that "flailing satellelite" gopro made my night hahahahaha.


*Most important thing is to stop using the SD card immediately* Considering your ZOOM H6 appeared to still be recording during your flight there is a chance it successfully recorded more of the audio to the SD card but either the file system or metadata got corrupted and Windows only knows about the first couple of minutes on the card. I’ve done audio recovery off SD cards before for my job with eco-acoustics audio recordings so I’m happy to help find out if there’s any extra data on the card.


I've watched a number of videos about Zero-G flights, and interestingly it is the women who have made the most interesting ones. You, Diana "Physics Girl", Simone Giertz, and Dr Helen Czerski at The Cosmic Shambles. The difference with yours is how you described your own experience and the effect it had on you and your gear. I look forward to further videos.


I *want* the same shirt 🤩

Mark Sundstrom

No plan survives first contact with the enemy, does it! I'm glad I could be a tiny part of helping you do this; looking forward to hearing more about it.


Let’s send Fran to Space Camp! 🚀


Fran did you ever watch ok go video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWGJA9i18Co