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Too much stuff or not enough space?  Bangs just a bit too long?   Printing issues?  Lots to mull over in this one.   Time to Frant!


Franting About Hoarding

Too much stuff or not enough space? Bangs just a bit too long? Printing issues? Lots to mull over in this one. Time to Frant! Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/frantone - Music by Fran Blanche - Frantone on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/frantone/ Fran on Twitter - https://twitter.com/contourcorsets Fran's Science Blog - http://www.frantone.com/designwritings/design_writings.html FranArt Website - http://www.contourcorsets.com



So, I think we "Fans of Frants" should be called "Frantics". Thoughts?


My late uncle was a hoarder. Just as bad as you see on TV. Needed a week and a crew to shovel out his house after he died. My mother wasn't a hoarder but she over-purchased things so there was no free space in an empty house. Simple rule: Unless it's unique with a high replacement cost, consider every item you store as a tenant. If it's not generating revenue, it's costing you rent it's not paying. If you haven't touched it in 5y, toss it if it's easily replaceable. Use a 1y horizon for cheaper things. Most of these "valuable art pieces" is a myth. It does happen but it's rare. Basically it's junk. Let someone else expend resources. Less is more. It's liberating.


Auto designer, builder and maker Christian von Koenigsegg refers to himself as an "intuitive engineer" since he has no degree. Upon learning the term from Mr. K. the change on my business card was immediate. The very thing about you, most precious to your video content, is that you are an Intuitive Engineer. I have had the amazing honor of working with degreed engineers, earning their respect for knowledge of many disciplines. When they buy my handmade electronic goodies or diagrams and complement me, it makes the fact you study more than any normal student pay off. The sharpest and finest electromechmusical IE online, making videos? Fran!


On the bright side, and unlike having to move an apartment, you don't have to clean up after you move, and anything you want to get rid of can be removed in the demolition. (I'm trying to look on the bright side, anyway.)

Bruce Havourd

Don't burden anyone with sorting and selling your "stuff." You should have a plan which includes having someone or some group who share your interests to take it in case you croak. Do you have any idea of what the hell of dealing with a real hoarder is? My wife is an EMT on the local EMS... and has dealt with MANY hoarders. They have NO idea that they suffer from a disease which makes them live (?) in homes filled with their crap. Literally. You have a lot of STUFF. You should have asked your friends and groups IF they will help you in case of problems.


I can understand how stressful its all is Fran being uprooted from your current situation is horrible and i can see how it would all seem overwhelming . Hang in there though and things will work out in the end although it must seem like a nightmare right now.


I hope to someday find a local maker space that will accept most of my "collection". I plan to sell or donate the prime items to special people.


The things you own end up owning you.


There will always be somebody capable of handing you your ass on any subject. You are way over my head in knowledge and talent but that is why I am such a fan! You are impressive!


My biggest regret about emigrating from the Netherlands to the USA is that I had to leave my "hoard" behind. Old computers (including an Amiga 3000 that ironically had an American power supply), tons of electronic parts and stacks and stacks of floppy disks, CD-ROMs and books. There was even a Pr1me 2350 minicomputer for which there is not even a photo online anywhere, and two rackmount hard disks that weiged 56kg each, and a 9 track tape drive. It's happened more than once that I start looking for a part or an old circuit board and realize I had to get rid of it. So though my house is significantly better under control than it used to be before I emigrated, I vowed not to throw anything electronic away. Sure, I violated that rule various times because of space limitations but I always assume that anything electronic will eventually become precious, after becoming worthless.


My wife suggested that I need to downsize my tools and work areas...told her that this is what I do, and without being able to use tools I might as well not have hands.


Fran, your things are part of you. They are the cornerstone of your interests and your business. I can see that you need control. I can also see that you are overwhelmed. Do you have one trusted friend who could help you with the donkey work? Someone who could carry the boxes you have packed? Someone who can hold that thing while you unscrew it? The productivity of two people working together is higher than the sum of the parts. I would love to see a review of your new 3D printer, but focus on the move first. Wishing good things for you.


Fran, first things third. As Matthew stated your stuff is who you are, absolutely beautiful. Your 300 plus boxes of stuff, crap, and or shit is probably equivalent to my 12 garden tractors, 9 snow blowers, and 5 walk behind tractors. Oh yeah, can't forget about the Case CC, Minneapolis Moline ZTU


Oops anyway moving sucks ass. Focus on the move and the videos will come. You rock! Sincerely, CF

Ewen McNeill

“Franlab Rarities”. I think if something is unique enough, especially last left in the world, there would be interest in a video just showing its outside, and what you know about it. And perhaps crowd sourcing more information based on that. Thanks for collecting so much unique stuff. It’s a lot of work! Hope the move continues to go as planned with no more unexpected surprises. Ewen


I think I understand why you don’t want help with the move. People might try to pressure you to do something you don’t want to do, or maybe make judgment because they don’t see your point of view. All I have to offer is a virtual hug 🤗


I would love to take time out of my schedule to help you move or clean your space.


The problem I've found with people who know a subject too well is they have lost the ability to explain it to someone who doesn't know it at all. I've met so many who rattle off information and totally lose me, you keep it interesting and keep it open to everyone and I really appreciate that. As for having a couple of dozen people turn up, I'd hate that too, My last two moves were a struggle by myself but I know where everything is. I did accept help with the larger items but only after I had moved everything else. Try to plan it, lists of utilities and lists to work out the order in which to do things help with the worry of forgetting something. You will get there in the end, just in time for summer. :)

Jason Olshefsky

Let me preface this by saying I'm a fellow "hoarder" of neat stuff (particularly technology) so I apply this to myself as well as others solely in jest: You know when you have too much stuff when you use the wrong unit. OK: "I have 10 computer power cords." Not OK: I have 100 pounds of computer power cords." I think "crates" falls in that category. ;)


In my house we call those plastic crates "bins"...my mother at some point moved every treasure from boxes into "bins". Everyone of my siblings has "bins" of their own. I store all of my stuff parts and projects in "bins". One bin alone is for plastic project boxes (big box of smaller boxes), probably 2 bins full of different computer related cords, another full of resistors, capacitors, relays, and similar components. I hate bins but it will have to do until I can find a permanent place to unpack everything one last time.


It seems every time I try to purge like this I have to rebuy something I just tossed.


My wife knows that upon my demise I have 3 nephews that get first grabs at my tools and stuff. The rest gets donated to a maker space.


To me, a bin has an open side and a crate has a closable lid. Tomadda tomatta.


So what is a crate when you lose the lid?

Alex Taylor

I feel the difference between hoarding and collecting is documentation and longevity. People who have a lot of stuff but it’s deteriorating do to the way they store it is on the edge of hoarding. Yes they might have that one rare piece that’s worth holding onto but the chance that that piece gets to a specific collector goes way down without documentation and proper storage. If you are sorting things into bins and helping future generations to understand those things I thank you because that is time and storage space most of use don’t decide to allocate to old unknown physical objects. I see this as similar to “what’s the difference between Science and just blowing things up. It’s documentation.”


Now that I'm well into my fifties I've started thinking seriously about what happens if/when I pop my clogs. I have loads of "stuff" in storage boxes and noone else in the family would have a clue what any of it is, what it's worth or where it should go. I've started another purge, which I do every few years. I think this time, I need to photograph and document everything, with age, value and what I want done with it when I'm gone..