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Since I had to get all  the stuff off the walls over the weekend for the daily assault on FranLab the shop is a wreck.  I have been expelled from the lab on weekdays due to the noise and dust and been taking refuge at the woodshop, so regular content has suffered.  I hope that you can all hang in there a bit while I deal with this.  Having to do the usual daytime stuff at night has also been robbing me of sleep, so I am also grumpy.  Outside the perimeter of these thin plaster walls is becoming a huge empty warehouse.  It is surreal.  In all the scenarios that I drempt up about this place, the current reality I am living through never once came across my mind.  Funny...  how reality often exceeds our imagination.




Hang in there Fran


Yer hang in there Fran


Oooh Fran my heart is so with you as fellow rock n roll scientist and engineer going through an uncannily similar catastrophic loss I feel your pain . I will assure you this that no matter what ends up happening I am hereby making my self available to you in any capacity to assist you in the damage control and full restoration of FRANLAB! It means that much to me and I know what its like to have no help because I've had no help myself. I'm really not far away and I can drive down and help you if need be. I can stay with my cousin Elisa (you might know her lol) she has a store and her dad owns a building..... Omg I just remembered a building !! I'm going to see if there are any empty floors. She is right there in philly and maybe she could help? .. Sorry if I'm thinking and typing but omg I'm going to call her. I feel that I need to help rescue Franlab the last oasis of excellence in a world filled with mediocrities! I will get back to you ... How many sq. Feet do you require minimum? There is a solution , we are going to find it :0) HuGGs


Oh and BTW why do you always have the same stuff as me??? I'm mean holy crap I can't tell your tool,totes and shelves etc from mine ????!!! LoL great minds ! HuGGs :0)


Even the Quisp !!!!! Lol


I would love to get a video tour of the woodshop. I've caught glimpses of what appears to be a marvelous vintage woodwork bench. Need to know more about it.

Nicholas Wilson

I’m sorry you have to go through this, Fran. 😔

Bruce Havourd

Life ain't fair, but it's fairly long. Hang in there.


I'm more surprised that we're seeing anything at all from you during this major life challenge. Don't worry. We'll be waiting here patiently to hear the stories when it's all, happily, in the past.


It's so nice to see a workshop that resembles mine, even if it is somewhat neater and a lot more functional.


Hang in there Fran.


(Illegitimum non carborundum) my friend!


It is much more than lab it looks a bit like a factory for making things and I see you sow things as well. Those speakers on the top shelf look nice. I got some really old tall 1975 B&O speakers and a Rotel RA 612 amplifier down bootsales in 2001 and they still work. The man who sold me the speakers said that he was downsizing his carpentry shop and they were too big and he was sad to see them go.


Fran, I still think that with the demolition they are preventing you from use of the space you have a lease for. That may be considered denial of access. You may want to discuss this with someone who knows more about it than I do. Even the idea that you wear a dust filter while in the space indicates that a hazardous environment is being created. I think they are doing it so you leave without them being obligated to pay you to leave prior to your lease end.


Fran, you have my full support. I'm hoping you're able to find a way through this mess soon. This is so unfair. If you have to stop making videos for a while, don't worry, I'll still be your fan when you're able to start again. Your videos are great. By the way, that blower/HEPA setup you showed recently is a clever idea, so I'm going to copy that and do the same thing here to deal with toxic smoke that were getting into our house from wildfires. Hang in here.


Here in Florida, it's called "constructive eviction", and it's not legal. Basically describes any time a landlord creates a situation where you can not peacefully enjoy the leased space.