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Almost done!  Does anybody look at the 'extra' attached photos when I put them up in these Patreon posts?  It doesn't seem like the typical social media flipbook style photo gallery in these posts... unless your browser shows it differently than mine does.  




Looking good sofar Fran! The extra photos are a nice touch.


Great job it can be a PITA to get level at times.


Just looks like one photo to me. (Firefox)


Well, almost zero... ;-D


oooh those look nice! might have to make one for my studio :)


On Android i seem to have to download the attachments to s folder and then open them. So usually i don't.


I'm using the Patreon app and they appear as attachments so I have to download them first.


Yea, it seems like I'll have to do the multi-photo-in-a-single picture here.


I check out the extra photos. But it is odd that they only show up as attachments that I have to open.


Interesting term, Fran. As a former submariner, I've only ever used "Zero Bubble" to mean that the boat was level in pitch attitude (i.e. on an "even keel," neither bow-up nor bow-down). Perhaps you were a Diving Officer in another life! Nice job getting the storage squared away.


I look at the extra photos, but have to download them - I'm using Firefox.

Nuts 'n' Proud

I have to downlad the photos.


It looks like attachement links without flipbook on my home computer (both Chrome and Explorer, Win10) but on my work computer it is flipbook for some reason (maybe older version browser). I can check more closely tomorrow if you don't get an answer from someone else.


Interesting. Seems most can't view the extra photos without downloading them.


Never noticed them :( And they're clumsy downloads, at least on mobile. Perhaps a collage in a single picture could work instead, if detail is not important?


On the Rams Clock post I made a multi-photo single pic and that seems to be the only way to do that here, so that's what I'll do in the future.


I look at the extra photos, but have to download them. IE.


I also look at the extra photos. It's well worth the tiny extra effort. I download the photos in Chrome and then open them in Photos, a Microsoft app. Photos has a nice magnification feature so I can check your workwomanship, which is impeccible. :-)


Yes Fran, I do try to look at the other photos that you post. However in order to do so I have to sign in to Patreon (I can see the one photo that is in the email without signing in) but PATREON requires each time that I go through their VERIFY procedure, whereby they send me another email that I must then reply to in oder to view the additional pictures you have put up.


One other thing, when looking for the jpg's that you have posted, I notice that the ones I see are labeled (for example) shelves6.jpg, shelves5.jpg - which leaves me wondering where I might locate "shelves4.jpg" and 3, 2, 1 etc. It is just a minor issue but does lead away from your immediate subject and so many people may not bother to search further.. Here is wishing you the best of luck!


Can't beat a zero bubble ! Extra images appear as attachments here on linux Chromium browser too - fyi.


I just click & download on my android phone then view in "pictures" file. Very sturdy woodwork BTW.


All it takes is a "click" and the additional photos download and open. However, if you aren't reading carefully, you can easily miss the added files.


It forces a Patreon login, they really want you to be logged in all the time.


I do, but then I am very nosy :-)


I do, but the 2nd & 3rd do require one open it, as opposed to the first which is seen immediately


I didn't see there was additional pics, i just see them now when you mention it. I need to download them to see them. Patreon should improve here!


I look at them all. Nice countersinking of those screws. 👍


No troubles Fran....


I look at and enjoy every one of them. thanks for sharing!


Y. Patreon interface isn't great but I always open all of your pics. Keep up the great work.


Using the iOS app here, that functionality is REALLY bad, Patreon needs to fix it. Didn’t even realize there were more until you mentioned it. When I tap to view the photos I can only see one... if your post is long enough that the text gets elided, then if I click “continue reading” they show up way at the bottom (almost hidden) as little links I can tap to view the others. On the other hand, if your post is short, there’s no way to see them unless you tap the comment icon, THEN tap “back” and it takes you to a special view (with those hidden links again) that is impossible to find any other way. Wow Patreon, fail!


I didn't spot them at first, but the interesting thing is if I download them and open them in a local viewer, they are larger than if you just click on them and let the browser open them.


One thing which has been bugging me about this comments page is that the text is very small. I need to look in settings to see if that can be changed. Otherwise I have to use the zoom on my browser.


Yes, I look at the extra photos; the Patreon interface is meh. It's a pain to build that single-handed, with clamps. You must have really picked over the lumber to get enough straight pieces for a bubble like that. Really nice job!


you do good work Fran