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Thanks for your support, my friends....  This will be getting rough over the weeks and months ahead.  FranLab is gonna need a lot of help.


The End Of FranLab???

Thanks for your support, my friends....This will be getting rough over the weeks and months ahead. FranLab is gonna need a lot of help. Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/frantone Send your cards, letters, or any stuff you feel is worthy for sharing on Viewer Mail: Frantone PO Box 14024 Philadelphia, PA 19122 - Music by Fran Blanche - Frantone on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/frantone/ Fran on Twitter - https://twitter.com/contourcorsets Fran's Science Blog - http://www.frantone.com/designwritings/design_writings.html FranArt Website - http://www.contourcorsets.com



Well....shit. Getting tired of these folks doing "kick the Fran down the road..."


No! Just No!


Well that is just shit :( please post this video in your main channel Fran so we can get more people here on the Patreon to help with your moving costs should it come to that.


I'd be suing the piss out of someone...


Agreed. There are 20000 new people with whom to share the love


Fingers crossed.


I’m willing to pitch in to help financially more than I am now. I wish I did not live so far away so I can help Fran move as well. You really have to admire her. She’s been through so much...I hope more people come through to help. If she can request volunteers to help move, I might be able to as well. Though the real problem, is finding a good neighborhood and location.


Someone who is good at it, start a go-fund-me page, and let's get Fran someplace permanent! With so many viewers maybe... Damn college kids (shaking my fist)


I upped my patron amount. I wish I could do more! Fran is an amazing person!


If you have a lease they (here in CA) they will have to pay you to buy you out of your lease. I wish I could help. I'm 65 and on SSDI. I know what cost are doing for me. I am in an apt paying $425/month since 2008 my Electricity went 2 yrs ago from $52/ month (on budget plan) to $86/month plus because I opt-out of the smart-meter they are going to charge me $16 more a month, my water/sewer/trash was $41/month in 2008, its gone up 3 times in just the last three years to $91/month. I was making in 2014 on my SSDI $40 more a month then I am making now even though I've gotten COLA increases. My Rx bills went up by more than 400% on two on my med, I was paying $13 for a month supply for one of my pain med, back last June 2017 that same Rx in September 2017 now cost me $78.00. I went to a lower dose it only dropped $10.00 My other one was even more I was paying for two Rx $150+ a month. I stopped taking several of my med's because I could not afford them anymore. so I feel for you. sending good vibes to you. Peace Love Light, Krisy


I love people who make things.

Bill Karkula

Please someone start a gofundme page and I will contribute and solicit others.


Thanks for sharing, Fran. I have an empty apartment and storage/workshop but it's all the way across the country from you. I'll continue to support your Patreon, hopefully you'll check in every once in a while.

Jamie Magin

This is in essence what's so broken about cities these days. :( Certainly happy to chip in for any kind of relocation expenses, but I'm not sure I have anything more useful to say, aside from that I'm glad you do the stuff that you do!


one word: WOW so sad...


Good grief, this is a downer. I don't see the BCD clock generator on the bench - I hope it didn't get packed :( Good luck to you Fran in planning your future.


Chucked in a Franklin. Hope it helps. Thanks, Shannon.


Something is going to work out I am certain. Will try and help. Well done Shannon


Please dont give up Fram


If Philly is toxic... perhaps... maybe it is time for an examination of geographic plausibility. I get the whole solidarity / community thing... but you are important to us. Science rules, after all.


What's the best way to make a one off donation to Fran?.


this might be a good way or patreon ..... <a href="https://www.gofundme.com/keep-franlab-going?sharetype=teams&amp;member=870498&amp;rcid=r01-153861945847-ee9c732708e94d34&amp;pc=ot_co_campmgmt_w" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.gofundme.com/keep-franlab-going?sharetype=teams&amp;member=870498&amp;rcid=r01-153861945847-ee9c732708e94d34&amp;pc=ot_co_campmgmt_w</a>


Let me try again. I am an artist facilitator, engineer, producer. I lived in New Orleans prior to hurricane Katrina and had an artist community and an inherited home into which I had built a studio. Katrina hit, stole my community, my home and studio, and my peace of mind after a long hard career of working for ‘nothing’ wages - because the artists had no extra money for ‘high-end’ professionals. I was providing quality for Walmart prices. I had a movie planned. Finally, I was going to make my own art on a hobby budget using CGI techniques. All that ended when Katrina tore up my playground. Yeah, I wept, I had waited a lifetime. It was over, and the money was needed to restore normalcy. We moved to be close to my wife’s family, who were needing assistance. Career took a back seat to reality. We got there and settled into new digs. Then it happened again. A hospital declared war on my wife, who is a nurse, and took her to task with the nursing board with a falsified charge. After three years of struggle, she was vindicated. Our money, however was gone. We almost lost our home. Fran, get a grip. Eden is an illusion. Art and sensitivity are human conceits. Life is Darwinian. It hurts all too often, and yeah, to us humans, it sucks. All that is left… is science. I get the despair. Four years ago, I slit both my wrists. My wife saved me. I hated myself because I failed despite my best efforts. It took me three years of self inventory and evaluation, but I realized that to do good, to do art again, I had to change my focus. I scaled back, and counted my friends. I started to smile again. And I resumed my work on a new basis. You… can… too. -DF


Next up... The Fran Princess of Bel-Air? Well, crap. This sucks. FWIW, I’ve upped my meagre pledge, but it’ll maybe get you an expensive coffee. Wish I could help more. :(


Space in an advantageous location will consistently be pulled from underneath you. There is a direct correlation between the quality of life in the area and how long until that rug gets pulled. You can find something that will last a few years and meet criteria. Lot's of blood sweat and tears but it's doable. For something long-term there is a significant element of luck, which likely means an intermediary location (like storage) while searching. It's time to think outside the box. Consider the options you would discard out of hand in depth. Not where they stack up but how you could make them work. Maybe that's something hanky with zoning, or massive work before a fire inspection, or maybe by moving you are effectively getting paid $50/hr. to commute. None of those are actual suggestions, just consider all the hard no options and whether there is a greater depth to them than has been explored.


Good luck Fran!


Wow, this sucks! - Pushed out 4 times in 20 years - i would look for other areas than philly for the lab ...


Gutted. I wish there was more that I could do. I don't want to lose FranLab.

Nuts 'n' Proud

Fran, I'm really stunned. I wish things really work out somehow. Like this to send Fran a virtual hug. **HUG**


Just donated more then 10% of what is already donated. god speed Fran.


I'm all for a GoFundMe campaign and will gladly donate. I know you are trying to help, Shannon, but you probably should have spoken to Fran first. These things can get complicated. You are asking a person who has been evicted many times, who has had been extorted by a landlord for her own lab equipment, to trust a random person and relatively new patron on the internet to responsibly handle 20 grand. And now that there IS a GoFundMe, the waters have been muddied; she has to use your GoFundMe or else risk splitting donations and having BOTH campaigns fail. What if the goal isn't enough, or is too much due to legal/tax reasons? How is she going to get the money? Does it go into _your_ bank account? If so, it's over $13,000, which in my understanding means if you cut her a check you have to pay gift tax on it. ETA: Excuse me, if it's over $13,000 I think she has to declare it as income.

Strawberry Puptart

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and say you're trying to do the right thing, but you need to let Fran set this is up if that's what she wants to do. Let her manage her finances. I don't think some internet random should be soliciting donations, especially since she hasn't yet decided on what she's going to do. Give her space, let her decide how she wants to respond to the community.


We'll be here. #chillax


Request a buyout of your lease. If they have a schedule, they'll pay.


If they don't do a buyout, suggest ther may be litigation should there be refusal to renew at the end of july.


Same here in Ireland. Anybody that rents have little rights.


I used to rent 700 Sq Ft. in a old cartridge factory down the street (part-time business), then things changed and had to move to a more crowded 400 Sq. Ft area, then ran into problems with building code people wanting my little hobbyist level business buy all kinds of stuff to protect me from myself (the way look at it) - additional fire sprinklers for the building owners hallway and replace ceiling tiles in the hallway leading to my area. Well, I turned my garage at home into the workshop and moved out of the factory and do everything now in my little garage. It's wasn't a bad price for the rent, $3/Sq.Ft per year. About a year later (2008) the economy slowed down so it was a good thing to get out. I make folk wind instruments (Pennywhistles, Native Flutes, etc) and once in a while a cigar box guitar or mandolin. If I ever had to move it would be away from the town and more into the county were things are cheaper. You did a lot of work on that place, isn't there any recourse for that?


I'm so sorry!


Sorry to hear that you have to move again Fran. I am going to hope for the best and I hope you do the same. I hoping that your next FranLab home will be the best ever. And I hoping that you won't ever have to move again. I hope this is you Fran, "I get knocked down, but I get up again, you are never gonna keep me down". You have many friends here Fran. So let us know if there is anything we can do to help. My best wishes to you Fran.


Uhm lease goes to July 2019!! Have you gotten a vacate notice? Moving sucks. Get a tenant's rights lawyer right away! Civilization is overrated, find a decent place with good connectivity! Texas! Nevada! Best of luck, I wish I was nearby I'd definitely be pitching in moving stuff!


I'm a new $20 a month Patron now, Hope this helps you get a new lab going.


I'm a new Patron as well. I enjoy your videos as well as the many other on Youtube that are into electronics. I can't thank you enough for keeping me interested in a hobby I've loved before I can even remember, literally. My aunt's first gift to me at the age of two was an extension cord and I've been told it didn't get topped. I'm not to far from Philly and have been told I need to take time off. If you need help I think I know at least one other that would be willing. Thanks for everything, Lyle.


Well, here I am, hon. More hugs and a wee bit of dough for the pint-pot. Best of luck in these difficult circumstances.


If you need help when you move let us know. We can be in Philly, pack, haul, buy drinks and burritos. Whatever you need.