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Is it plain old naked discrimination for small channels, bias by the bots, or punishment for those still refusing to drink the google coolaid?  No one outside of YouTube corporate headquarters can really know... but there's something happening here.  


Hey YouTube - Seriously, WTF??!!!

Is it plain old naked discrimination for small channels, bias by the bots, or punishment for those still refusing to drink the google coolaid? No one outside of YouTube corporate headquarters can really know... but there's something happening here. Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/frantone Send your cards, letters, or any stuff you feel is worthy for sharing on Viewer Mail: Frantone PO Box 14024 Philadelphia, PA 19122 - Music by Fran Blanche - Frantone on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/frantone/ Fran on Twitter - https://twitter.com/contourcorsets Fran's Science Blog - http://www.frantone.com/designwritings/design_writings.html FranArt Website - http://www.contourcorsets.com


Nicholas Wilson

And as you’ve just showen you have the evidence to prove it.


You go, Fran! I discovered your channel through Dave Jones' channel and became hooked on the retro electronics vids. Aside from this little pool of educational videos, most of YouTube is a trash heap of drama vids and monetized nonsense. You are a fresh breath, along with DJ, AvE, Essential Craftsman, Technology Connections, and some more. Keep it up!


That sucks. Perhaps they'll realize that something is amiss with their algorithms and fix it? In the meantime, what avenues exist to promote your channel yourself outside of YouTube? I haven't noticed anything outside of YouTube for finding new audience other than other social media outlets. I know you've become disenchanted with Twitter and Facebook, but they could be a good way to find viewers. I found you through YouTube suggestions, but some of my other favorite content creators I've found through: *YT collaborations *YT comments on other creators' posts *Their Instagram accounts (this seems to be growing with content creators. Photos and quick video updates on projects keeps subscribers engaged). *Recommendations on creator podcasts. *Twitter accounts Keep up the great content!


My guess is YouTube will not help or promote your channel because they cannot make any $$ off your channel without you allowing them to put ads on it. If you can continue to keep your channel going the way it is with just Patreon supporters and without YouTube ads then I say keep it the way it is. You are better off running your channel the way you want.

Strawberry Puptart

It wouldn't surprise me if they where favoring monetized videos more. The economics of an ad-supported product is just perverse.


Hang in there, Fran! We need your content.


Hey Fran. You should do Patreon-only content. It will motivate those to become Patreon’s.


Oh, over in the comments someone said you were mentioned in Hack-a-day. I think you've been plugged over there a few times. That's the kind of stuff that should really help build a channel.


I do that with live streams, but only about 30-40 patrons will view video exclusively on this platform, so it really hasn't panned out.


It's a crying shame! Of course, the monetizing thing is pure speculation, but why not try it out? I'm no expert, that's why I don't know if you can even opt out of monetization again, and if you do, whether they would punish you again, but maybe it's worth a try.


I see no negatives in having a monetized channel. Sponsored content is another matter.


Glad you're not going anywhere! Yes, I'm betting it's the monetization thingy, not because of the money though. In April all us smaller channels like mine panicked because if we didn't have 1000 subscribers, we couldn't monetize. Because of that I started paying a lot of attention to Youtube Insider. I remember them saying about content, that they wanted producers to police themselves in regards to content suitable for advertising. In other words, they wanted us to censor ourselves with the monetize button. Offensive content, foul language, etc, then don't monetize (so they wouldn't have to screen the content). So, Yes, I'd say that there's a bug in the system associating non-monitization with offensive content, and therefore no showing up in the suggestions area. Just my two cents. I admire you and other channels for not monetizing. I know you have your principals, but it's Google's game. Think of it this way, how many new viewers are currently missing out on your great content because of this. And yes, it'd be nice if Youtube had an actual customer service department, instead of a billion screeners.


I see and hear a whole lot of people having same issues.


I'm not going anywhere too Fran!


My memory is I found you first, and then Dave Jones' channel came up as a suggested video (opposite of another comment here). I was searching for clock-related information on YT and got a hit on one of your vids. I can understand how frustrating this must be for you. Hang in there Fran - we love what you do.


I dunno if it would help, but jorgesprave created the youtubeunion to try and fight this sort of nonsense. Not a youtuber (apart from viewing), so I dunno if he's had much success. But be advised, I'm not going anywhere. What you do matters. 'swhy i give monies. :)


"If it works, change it." Google means the rules change on the whim of somebod/y/ies who really merit/s a wham sufficient to render a lot of chairs redundant for a while. If they do something that content creators would rather not stand for, a bunch of Google policy mutilators should (following rectal percussion) stand for a week or two.


I agree with a number of other commenters that they are clearly favoring monetized channels. One way or another, money is involved. Here's another possibility: YouTube has managed to correlate their channels with Patreon content providers and are attempting to discourage people from using Patreon to raise money.


Fran - a happy day is any day that has something new from Franlab. I look forward to - "Hey. It's Fran. Again. In the lab. Franlab" I'm not going to go anywhere. You, AvE, Dave Jones, Electroboom, and Mr. Carlson's Lab - all the best.

Zach Allin

you forgot Big Clive for that murderous pink crap from china


B. But I will double my patronage in the hope that you will achieve escape velocity.


Hey Fran, your WTF vid on Y/T was the FIRST I have had in my in box since May. I have subscribed to you for FAR longer. Something IS afoot at Y/T.


A nasty rumor I heard was that somebody at Y/T mined the Patreon API for all accounts and thought the magic of Java, ran a file compare against their suscribers when are not YET monetized, and BINGO... a "Hit list" was born. Dunno, no evidence, just heresay. But it would be stoooopid easy for a first year code monkey to pull off. Cheers. ps did Elon say if.you were invited with the other six real artists on the planet to go on that rocket trip?


Hi Fran, you have probably already seen this but still, perhaps others are interested. <a href="https://youtu.be/Tn5rOOfW7bc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/Tn5rOOfW7bc</a>