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I am spending this week sorting through the many projects throughout the lab and reorganizing and prioritizing everything.  Also going through the shelves and sorting out parts and supplies that I really don't need immediately, boxing that stuff up and moving it out to my storage space.  Seems like a easy enough thing to do, but I've been at it for three straight days and moved three full-size  wagon loads out to storage already and I'm probably about half way there.  But in the end I plan to have a lot more work space and some new places to set up and shoot videos, so win-win.  




Wow, that's an old school table. I remember having one of those at my parents house in the 60's only I think it was green instead of orange.


Heh I have a memory of going on a camping vacation with my parents when I was about 3 or 4 years old (early 1970s) and we also had a table like that, in blue. And I somehow managed to undo one of the wingnuts to adjust the legs, and a whole big pan of macaroni ended up on the ground upside down.


I spy a Thor Labs box


Outstanding effort!


The secret is to leave the lights on, that way the stuff has no chance of multiplying, and all stays neat and tidy. Have yo noticed that if you put two wire coat hangers in a dark closet, the next time you come back there are more? Clutter works the same way.


Disaster area? Looks perfectly normal to me, Fran! Carry on the great work!


Looks like some interesting stuff!


Home depot plastic shelves are the best !


I know what you mean. My lab looks like a bomb went off! I have a week's worth of work, easy.


Admit it - that table has already been cleaned off! Ha ha. It looks staged, and like it was 3x higher.


For some reason I am only able to post one photo but this was just one of seven shots of the clutter and that's just on the second floor! There's just too much stuff in here.


<a href="https://www.elitedaily.com/elite/psychology-behind-messy-rooms-messy-room-may-necessarily-bad-thing/708046" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.elitedaily.com/elite/psychology-behind-messy-rooms-messy-room-may-necessarily-bad-thing/708046</a>


My “upcoming projects desk” is much worse. I wish mine was that clear.


It has always been the case with me when I move something is when I want it and then can't find it, so I buy a replacement...until it is moved I know exactly where it is.