December pin ideas p.4! + OCT UPDATES (Patreon)
Hello everyooooooooone!
It's time for the last part of the DEC and JAN ideas!
December theme it's gonna be Xmas and January New Year!
These are the sketched ideas for the pins. My personal opinion will be to go for Xmas Mukuro and New Year Kirigiri, as I've sketched below, I think these one fits them better, but I'll let you all decide!
The poll will last 24h since I have to place the order asap to avoid possible delays.
And now some updates on the OCT pins!
These finally arrived yesterday! Quite late since they had to remake all of them due wrong hands color ><. I will be preparing these as soon as possible, as well as the ones for the people that didn't had their Nanami packed cause of the missing pins issue (these arrived with the Kaede ones).
I am really sorry for SEPT and OCT delays, some of these weren't on my hands since I have to rely on my manufacturer and the courier. But I apologize for the late replies on dm's. Tbh it's being a really stressful month since I have the biggest Convention here at Spain next weekend and I've been accepted to attend with a booth just 2 weeks ago so I am struggling to get eveything done and aaaaa ;;
Thanks everyone for understand and being compreensive and kind!!
Have a nice weekend <3