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Hello everyooooooooneeee!!

I just wanted to inform that all the July pins are now packed and ready to be sent next week!! Aoi will be on her way to everyone's house soon YAY!!

I still have no news in the August ones (Junko) but I hope to have the sample photo next week!

And last! I have opened a few commission slots :D I already dm'ed people who wanted to be on the waiting list (from the Google Forms), but I am leaving the important info on HERE  so everyone can check it. Contact me via Discord for any additional info.
Note that ONLY 90's style comms are open!

And that's all for now!!! Have a great weekend everyone <3




Look at all that Solano! Now I'm hungry 🤤


👀👀👀👀 Que relinda, y que poquito queda~~ &lt;3 &lt;3