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– Era of the Wastes, Cycle 216, Season of the Rising Moon, Day 10 –

“Really?” Sigille laughed heartily.

Terry and Sigille were chatting in good spirits. Their call to Arcana had gone without a hitch and the plans for Terry’s return trip were all going well.

“Yes, I kind of picked the first companion for my group over a book,” replied Terry. He involuntarily smiled when seeing Sigille laugh like this.

While Terry had seen his aunt laugh and joke around before, the past few days seemed different. More light-hearted perhaps.

During his last stay at Libra City, Sigille had mostly talked to Terry to instruct him or to help him with any problems or worries he might have. It was very rare for them to just chat, but it somehow had become a habit in the past few days.

Terry could not explain it, but he believed it had something to do with the fact that Emaldine was around. Even though Emaldine and Sigille mostly tended to quarrel or spontaneously spar, Emaldine’s presence seemed to influence Sigille’s mood significantly.

“I haven’t seen you read that often,” said Sigille. “More scribbling than reading.”

Terry suddenly felt a pang of guilt at all the unread books his uncle Samuel had sent him.

“Was it that book about the Veilbinder I saw a few times?” asked Sigille. “I recall that Little Olgorn was obsessed with that story as well.”

“Kind of, but not really,” replied Terry. “I was interested in the book that Calam was reading because it included the Veilbinder, but it was not just about him.”

Terry scrunched up his face and searched his memory. “The title was ‘Legends Beyond Their Eras: The Veilbinder, The Faithless Saints, The Valkyrie of Hope.’ I knew about the Veilbinder and consequently also about most of the Faithless Saints, but I was not familiar with the Valkyrie.”

Unexpectedly, Sigille’s expression changed as if she was recalling fond memories. She spoke with nostalgia: “I was always a fan of the Valkyrie’s story. Most dwarves tend to idolize Saint Dalia or perhaps the Veilbinder as the Human Paragon, but for me, it was always Hope the Valkyrie.”

Sigille smiled. “She might have been an elf and practically a pure spellflinger, but her story always resonated with me the most. I guess it also helped that the memory of her is the freshest. I may have been very young, but I still remember a time when the Valkyrie was alive.”

“You were alive during the Era of Upheaval?” asked Terry incredulously.

Terry understood that aside from Devon as an abnormal exception, his aunt Sigille was the oldest person he knew. However, being old enough to experience the previous era stretched Terry’s imagination.

“No, and thanks,” replied Sigille and chuckled. “I take that shocked face as a compliment. Although, I also did not miss the era by that much. By the current calendar, I was born around a dozen cycles into the Era of the Wastes.”

“Ahh…” uttered Terry.

“The current calendar marks the retreat of the Lich Kingdoms as the end of the era of Upheaval,” muttered Sigille. “About half a dozen years before the official treaty between the Lich Kingdoms and the newly established Tiv Empire, which was itself half a dozen years before the creation of Arcana’s barrier.”

Sigille shrugged. “The Wastes had already been noticed for a while, but it was only after that moment that the Wastes were seen as the defining struggle of the times.”

“Makes sense,” muttered Terry.

Sigille nodded in thought. “Arcana’s split from the Ancestral Empire. The complete collapse of what was left of the Ancestral Empire. The rise of the Lich Kingdoms and their expansionary war. Thanatos establishing himself and his clan among the war tribes in the south. Tivius and the Valkyrie leading the resistance in the ancestral lands. The alliance against the Lich Kingdoms…”

Sigille snorted. “Things would have been different if the Valkyrie had not died shortly after the retreat. In contrast to Tivius, the Valkyrie stood by her word.”

“Huh?” Terry blurted out. “What do you mean?”

Sigille raised an eyebrow. “When does the Valkyrie’s story end in that book you mentioned?”

“The last major battle where the alliance crushed the Lich Kingdom’s army in the south,” replied Terry.

“Oh my,” exclaimed Sigille in amused exasperation. “Then you are missing the part that forever characterized the Tiv Empire, which is also among my favorite stories of the Valkyrie.”

“Oh?” Terry sat up and leaned forward subconsciously.

“Not long after that battle, Tivius, the Founding King, called his trusted generals and close allies for a meeting,” said Sigille. “Aside from the Valkyrie, there were also some other well-known names from Tiv: the Founding Queen, the Mage Supreme, as well as old Castellan. Thanatos himself was also present, as were several representatives from the Free Factions Union.

“Some Arcanian soldiers were present as well, but mostly those with personal grudges against the Lich Kingdoms. Arcana did not have an official representative since they mostly fought on their own terms to protect the regions within their sight.”

“I always find it hard to believe that Thanatos was allied with Tiv back then,” interjected Terry. “Same for Arcana.”

“Well, the alliance with Arcana was loose,” said Sigille. “It was more that Arcana joined the battle of its own accord and everyone was more than willing to have them at their side.”

“As for Thanatos…” Sigille shrugged. “Let’s just say that the Valkyrie was the deciding factor for many of the factions present. Even if people there hated and distrusted each other, they all trusted the Valkyrie’s word.”

“If the Valkyrie gave an oath, then they knew that she would stand against anyone to defend it, no matter how powerful and no matter her personal relations.” Sigille spoke with admiration. “No one in the alliance was willing to stab the other in the back to then fight their hated enemies and a furious Valkyrie.”

“Heh,” uttered Sigille. “Which also brings us to the story of the treaty and back to the meeting. One person chose to ignore that the Valkyrie had sworn to destroy the lich kings for what they had done.”

“The Founding King himself presented his gathered allies with a necromancer envoy from the Lich Kingdoms.” Sigille shook her head. “Tivius professed his desire to accept their peace offering.”

“Some say he was averse to seeing the bloodshed continue or that he was just being ‘pragmatic.’” Sigille scratched her nose with her pinky finger. “Others say he simply wanted to use the opportunity to firmly establish his Tiv Empire or that he was being an idiot to trust the Lich Kingdoms.”

“I say the lich kings knew exactly what they were doing.” Sigille scoffed. “They were playing Tivius like a fiddle. While Tivius probably expected the derision of Thanatos, he failed to anticipate that the diplomatic envoy would be cut down right there in the hall.”

Sigille smiled at Terry’s widened eyes. “The Valkyrie was standing by her oath, even if it meant going against her long-time friend.”

“Needless to say, the aspiring king was not amused at this public display of defiance.” Sigille raised her arms behind her head. “He had given his word that the envoy would be safe and just like that, he was made a liar.”

Sigille scoffed again. “Although, many in the hall already saw him as a liar for receiving the envoy in the first place. After all, Tivius, too, had given an oath to crush the lich kings, avenge their victims, and liberate the occupied lands.”

“The lines between the representatives hardened.” Sigille lowered her arms again and subconsciously played the belly drum on her armor. “The allies had split before the Founding King knew what had happened and to his surprise, those with him were the smaller faction by a longshot.”

“The Valkyrie never strove for a position of leadership, except through leading by example. While she was named a commander, it was Tivius that decided on strategy. Tivius had been hailed as an ingenious military leader and he got results.” Sigille snorted. “Unfortunately, he failed to realize that results were not enough to bring everyone together.”

“Many only chose to fight because they took courage and inspiration from the Valkyrie and her ideals.” Sigille was rubbing the palm of her left hand with her right thumb. “They fought for something, not just against the invaders. That’s an important distinction, especially when you are on the weaker side of the conflict.”

Sigille clicked her tongue. “Even with those that were normally opposed to the Valkyrie, the alliance had only been held together by her credo. Her words meant something.”

“Thanatos himself is said to have sided with the Valkyrie even though they practically disagreed at every turn.” Sigille chuckled in amusement. “He is quoted as saying that it would be foolish to side against the Valkyrie because of her two most annoying habits.”

“She always chooses the path that she believes is right, no matter how difficult it may be. And no matter how difficult it may be, she somehow manages to push through.” Sigille exclaimed with a face full of admiration: “That’s my kind of hero.”

Terry smiled to himself. The way his powerful aunt talked of the Valkyrie was similar to how Terry himself thought of the Veilbinder. A path to take inspiration from. He felt connected to her on this account.

Sigille shook her head slightly. “Sometimes, I wonder what this empire could have been if the Valkyrie had been around for longer.”

“What happened to her?” asked Terry.

“Not many details.” Sigille shrugged. “Only that she supposedly fell in battle against an unexpected horde from the Wastes.”

“Most accounts have her fighting a reaper, which really would have been a terrible opponent for a pure force mage, no matter how powerful.” Sigille shook her head sadly. “Others claim that the Valkyrie chose to depart to fight monsters instead of risking a civil war with Tivius. Of course, there are also those that claim that the Lich Kingdoms had a hand in it.”


“Do you really have to go already?” asked Emily with a pout.

Matteo smiled and patted Emily’s head.

“Yeah, do you?” asked Wallace and mimicked Emily’s pout. “The big brother threat will be much less effective if you are out on death hunts somewhere.”

“Daad,” grumbled Emily.

“You know, you could stay and spar some more with Terry,” interjected Sigille and focused on Matteo.

Terry involuntarily grimaced when he recalled a number of bruises, cuts, and burns. He nodded despite his painful memories. “That would be helpful. I learned a lot.”

“Why are the death hunters gathering this early anyway?” asked Sigille. “Or will you join other folks this time?”

“Well, there is the situation with the growing number of reanimated hellspawn, but…” Matteo raised a hand and held his own nape. “Actually, it was me that asked them to gather early.”

“Mean Brother!” Emily sent Matteo a reproachful look.

“Yeah, that’s a bit cruel,” said Wallace. He pointed with his thumb at Sigille. “I know that the old hag can be a handful, but we could hide you from her. You don’t have to flee the scene.”

Sigille chose to ignore the comment. “I assume there is a reason?”

“Elenec picked up fresh rumors of a necromancer that is also using elementals,” said Matteo. “In the east.”

Emily’s reproachful expression was washed from her face. The same happened to Wallace’s joking manner. Only worry remained.

“How far east?” asked Sigille. “Be careful that you don’t accidentally walk into whatever the Tiv army is doing in the northeast.”

Matteo smiled warmly. “The trail shouldn’t lead that far north.” He shrugged with a distant look in his eyes. “If it even leads anywhere at all.”

“Yeah, don’t raise specters before you are sure,” said Sigille pensively. “Even if the rumor is accurate and even if it was indeed Anand, there is no guarantee that he’s still there.”

Sigille bit her lips. “Do you have a way to contact Amelia or Jee if it comes down to it? Following the trail of a dimensional mage would prove a problem, no matter how fresh.”

“I’ve got it covered,” said Matteo. “Even if we don’t find anything, the fact that there have been several such rumors…”

“Plan for the worst, but don’t allow that bastard more space in your head than that,” said Sigille. “And be careful, Whaka Matteo.”

“Always,” said Matteo with a sheepish look.

“““Yeah, right.””” Sigille and Wallace grumbled in unison. They glanced at each other.

“Jinx!” exclaimed Wallace merrily and pointed at Sigille.

Sigille groaned.

“Anyway, don’t worry about me.” Matteo turned to Emily. “You have your own stuff to focus on, Miss Soon-to-Be-Druid.”

“Probably not that soon.” Emily giggled. “But the next time we meet, I’ll have my own tree seed.”

Wallace sniffled exaggeratedly. “They grow up so fast.”

Emily rolled her eyes.

“When is Dhruv taking you on your initiation?” asked Matteo.

“The day after tomorrow,” replied Emily with a wide smile. Anticipation radiated from the red-haired elf.

“I wish you luck,” said Matteo with a warm smile. “And I’m looking forward to seeing your progress until the Rising Sun, but I’ll have to take my leave now. Farewell everyone, I’ll be off then.”

Terry and the others waved goodbye and then returned to their own plans for the day. Sigille went with Terry for training while Wallace helped Emily prepare for her druid initiation.


Two days later, Terry and Sigille were walking to a different training area.

“What has Emaldine been up to the past few days?” asked Terry. “I haven’t seen her around here.”

“From what I can gather, she is looking for work in the city,” said Sigille. “She has lost her scavenging group and since she has not fulfilled her mission quotas, her registration with the Guardians expired a long time ago. She needs to find some way to pay for lodging.”

“Uhh…” Terry realized that he was not exactly paying for lodging either.

Sigille chuckled. “You’re on my bill.” Her expression fell. “I would be happy to place Emaldine there too, but…” Sigille’s voice trailed off and she just shrugged.

Sigille shook her head. “I’m already happy that she chose to stay in the city.” She smiled wistfully. “Maybe we can…” She sighed. “I don’t know. Nevermind.”

Sigille looked at Terry. “You have made some progress with the divine hammer inscription. Perhaps this is a good time to—”

“Lady Sigille,” arrived the voice of a man that was walking fast towards the two.

Terry recognized the man as a channeler from the Bright Lady that often served as a messenger for management.

“Yeah?” Sigille narrowed her eyes.

“Bright Willow has something to discuss with you,” said the messenger.

“Uh-huh, then why are you here and not her?” asked Sigille while squinting at the man. She scratched her nose with her pinky.

“Bright Willow is waiting in the reception hall of the management facilities,” said the messenger.

Terry moved his eyes to look at the large dome that housed Guardian management.

“Can this wait?” asked Sigille. “I’m instructing my nephew.”

“Bright Willow is specifically waiting for you now,” said the messenger.

Sigille sighed in resignation. “Fine.” She turned to Terry. “Can’t help it. With Dhruv out on Emily’s initiation, I have the unfortunate honor to be the most senior Guardian present. Let’s see what the witch wants. If I can keep it short, we can continue as we planned.”

Terry nodded and followed his aunt to the management facilities and once in the dome, to the large reception hall.

Inside the reception hall, Terry saw Willow together with a man whom Terry did not recognize.

Manaless? Or exceptionally good cloaking?

Terry wondered silently while examining the young-looking man in plain traveling robes.

Sigille stepped into the hall and for a moment, she just stood transfixed while staring at the man.

“Lady Sigille, I am glad you could make the time,” said Willow with a thin smile. “I have a guest and I would like for all of us to come to an understanding on certain matters”

Sigille glanced at Willow without saying anything.

Afterwards, Sigille turned to Terry. “This…” She took a deep breath. “…will take a while, Whaka Terry.”

Terry narrowed his eyes at the strained tone in his aunt’s voice.

“Please go ahead to the training grounds,” continued Sigille. “I suggest you do some proper technique training with your main equipment. Oh, and if you meet Whaka Dhruv, tell him to come here immediately.”

“Okay…” Terry inwardly shrugged and did as his aunt had asked.

When Terry had left, Sigille silently closed the door behind him. Before she turned around, she had already retrieved and activated an item from her dimensional storage.

The one-time use item flashed brightly with a silver light before it vanished and left the space sealed and with all dimensional manipulations blocked.

Sigille cracked her neck and glowered at Willow. “I’ll ask this once. Do you have any idea who that man next to you is?”

“I do, but please, Lady Sigille,” said Willow in a condescending tone. “Let’s all be civil. Anand is—”

“The monster that tortured my son, murdered my husband, and caused a massacre in the Land of the Four Towers,” growled Sigille. “A wanted criminal in the Free Factions Union whose crimes have undoubtedly also extended into other regions.”

Anand smiled as if their conversation did not concern him.

“Whatever happened in the past—” started Willow.

“Save it,” growled Sigille. “That monster—”

“Did what was necessary,” interrupted Anand firmly. His cold eyes did not match his youthful appearance. “I will always do what’s necessary to protect this realm.”

“I have seen what lies ahead and the Wastes are only the beginning.” Anand defiantly stared at Sigille. “If this realm is to survive, then it needs to evolve.”

“Necessary?” spat Sigille. She rolled her shoulders while fixing her eyes on Anand. “Is that what you call tormenting an innocent child that was supposed to be under your protection? Having him possessed by elementals? Causing the destruction of a whole city? ‘Necessary’?”

“Yes,” replied Anand without hesitation or concern. “Necessary. Matteo had the highest mental and spirit resistances I have ever seen in mortal folk. By far. Even as a child. If anyone has a chance of inverting the demonic relationship with elementals, then him. Yes, necessary.”

Subconsciously, Sigille channeled mana into her equipment. Her fists were clenched tightly.

“Lady Sigille, please—” started Willow.

“Which also brings me to the next point,” interrupted Anand with his eyes on Sigille. “The elemental tower master has interrupted Matteo’s evolution. Then you came along to cripple him further.”

“Heartseeker inscription?” Anand sneered. “Mind-protecting artifacts? Fiendish weapons? Holding his hand through trouble and danger? You are his crutch. You are preventing him from evolving on his own.”

“You need to stop.” Anand glared at Sigille. “Matteo must push through and conquer it. For the sake of everyone in this realm.”

“Lady Sigille, you need to see the bigger picture,” interjected Willow. “Matteo has grown into a commendable man and as he is now, he will surely understand the need for sacrifice. Even if we can’t all agree on a path forward, Anand is a dimensional mage and a much needed ally in our—”

“You would think that in Tiv, of all places, people would know not to invite envoys with tainted offers.” Sigille stared at Willow with indignation and incredulity. “I’ve always been fond of the Valkyrie’s story. I wish that others had learned from it.”

Anand snorted.

Willow sighed and activated a signal from below her desk. “I, too, am familiar with the Valkyrie’s story and I have drawn my own lessons from it.”

Dozens of armed people poured into the room and positioned themselves between Sigille and the other two. Some of them Sigille recognized as Guardians. Most of them radiated the mana of the Bright Lady. Others were evidently channelers from other denominations.

Simultaneously, Willow activated parts of the outpost’s defense mechanism. Huge metal walls were lowered to block all entrances. Inscriptions lit up along the whole room – both defensive and offensive.

“I won’t have my guests harmed under my watch,” said Willow coldly. “Be reasonable. We can all—”

“Piss off,” growled Sigille and pulled the axe from her back. “You can do whatever you want. As for me, my choice is made.”

“I will not allow you to mess with my son any further.” Sigille stared intently at Anand. “There are only two paths here. Either I will put you down for good or I will proudly join my husband knowing I did my best.”

Sigille moved her eyes over the group of people between herself and Anand. “For those of you who may not know me. I am Sigille. Some people here call me the Divine Hammer. I am someone that believes in choices…”



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