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Progress on MMVS is going well but each update is more work than the last.

I need to organize myself better so I will restructure how I plan the update and my projects, and I'd like your feedback on it. From v0.4.2 to v0.5.0 every update will be specific to a thing, and you will be able to submit votes to Patreon on what Il will focus on.

I'm not yet searching but I've opened a job page on BleuRaven.fr I will pay artist to make mission for made game content.

Road Map

Here the prototype road map.

(You can download for zoom on it)

For the moment, a lot of content may change. The voting being one example of how it might change. Let me know what you think and if it's understandable enough for everyone. I will update this road map every game update so you will be able to see it progress. Step by step, goal by goal. For the moment I will just send screenshots, but I may do something more interactive in future.

I will try to release a game update every month, but I know that some updates will take more than one month. As you can see some update steps will be available only after other steps. For example, the Kitchen update contains some gore ideas so I need do the Blood and Gore update first.
I will do another post after v0.4.2 releases in October and show the official road map.

I also added update ideas and more content on the Trello and GitHub.

Communication and Game Information

With this restructuring, I need your opinion about how I communicate.
BleuRaven.fr, GitHub, Trello and itch.io is a lot used for static information. I also communicate on BleuRaven.fr, Patreon, Discord, itch.io, Twitter for more generic posts. You can report bugs and submit suggestions on GitHub.

Do you feel the communication is good? You find all the information you need, and you don’t feel lost?

Thanks for reading and for your support!



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