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Hello! As I say I wanted publish the Hotfix before the end of the month for fix the main bugs like the AI. Enjoy it! :3

Windows: Mega | Drive
Linux: Mega
Windows-Server: Mega
Linux-Server: Mega

Here the release lod:




Wonderful! Stopping what i'm doing to play it now! x3

Rogue Megawolf

Hrm. I tried using it with an HTC-Vive headset, and the locomotion did not work at all on the left controller. The left controller worked just fine in other VR applications, but in this one it did not. The trigger and menu buttons responded, and I could change his hand gesture by touching the disc, but pressing it did not move him


This is awesome so far! But has sadly caused a few extra bugs I can’t seem to edit atlas’s player relationship or anger level in game master AND micro mode It would be super appreciated if you could add another menu option for a debug tab — additionally a option for talon sweat, dirt & speed like the previous build would be greatly welcome Additionally on singleplayer game master mode for non-vr you Cant move the camera, aswell as talas sometimes refuses to swallow the player, soft locking them in his maw Talas is also extremely unwilling to sit on the bed, if he does and you walk onto the bed infront of him he immediately jumps off and grabs you from the other side of the bed if he tries to lay back down on the bed again, this also applies to kicking his talons up on the coffee table there’s also the issue that the debug menu is extremely confusing and has no instructions on how to use it Talas also refuses to explore his house at all, going back and forth between sitting on the living room chairs and his bedroom, rarely going into the toilet bathroom, and entrance + old bathroom Also would it be possible to make the pipes accessible to non-vr Aswell as utilise the basement? / outside? (Unaware if the basements used as I can’t reach it) + would you be able to give us the commands list to make life a little easier? By the way, what are those large circles with legs sticking out of them in the skybox? Lmao Last thing, how do you trigger the teleport room? I got it to work first try but now it doesn’t open anymore


The debug menu contains the Relation, Dirt and speed settings under the "Base" tab. "Mask: clean" will clean talas's feet. The relation arrows are single click max value. Left should make him stomp or eat. Right should make him nice and expect cleaning. - If you enable the "show macro ai" under character tab you can see the changes the relation arrows make when you are spotted. -Blue green nice -Red orange angry -Grey indifferent / ignore i think.


Absolutely love being able to get vored now! The swallow was a great, and the addition of a stomach was even better! Really like how Talas licks their beak to with me in it! So good!


I had a similar problem with the occulus quest. I had to play with the bindings a bit to get it to recognize the controller for movement. If you're using it through steam try fiddling with those bindings, it did work for me after a bit of work


Ah so good!! I really had a blast in VR until finally I couldn't VR anymore. Unfortunately, I can't figure out where this teleport room is or how to access it and getting to Talas is such a long way out of VR without the VR shortcut. I actually died 3 times without even reaching him. I definitely think a way to quick jump to the rest of the house is super necessary because it's very cool but very far. I really wanna see where you go from here because this is such a crazy good start, especially now that the AI is working.


Too bad it's stored on Mega, had to buy a membership in order to download this due to its size.


In short, "is nice!" Animations are Good, and environment is interesting to explore. However, Talas action switching is bugged in some cases (mostly "sole checks" and "pick up-s", I think). Also a bunch of other bugs, including "moonwalk" (after some interactions with Micro) or broken character lighting in "roof cable canal" location. (not sure if "Relationship Reset" after some actions is a bug or a feature...) Relationship-action connections seem to work now, but probably need some balancing and expanding - for more distinguishable AI behavior. For example, by adding (no damage) "soft-press stomp" or "single-toe press" actions for "friendly" or "mostly friendly" relationship. Sole-rubbing and stomp-play impact on relationship looks promising, though. I do look forward to further development of the system, as well, as the game in general! Guess, I'll stUck around until upcoming update...


The teleport room only worked the first time for me after which it stopped loading, it appears as a teleport in the spawn box when it's available. You can get through things in VR faster though by going to the grate to the right when you come out of the box, reach through and open it, and then you can poke your hand into the wall and teleport into the room with the water heater pretty consistently.


Yep, the game seems to work more like it's supposed to now. Talas is a lot more active and he's a lot more fun to do stuff with! I do have a couple of suggestions, apart from the ones already mentioned, and they'd hopefully be pretty easy to put in, but could add a lot of depth. 1st: Make variations of the squish sounds. Every step sounds the same on the little wolf. You might try adding some variations that play randomly from step to step, while the little guy is underfoot. 2nd: Do the same with the footfalls. No matter how lightly or heavily Talas steps, all of his footfalls sound the same. When he is shifting his feet while moving on the couch, or settling them to stand back up from the chairs - these sound the same as when he is walking. The only variation is when he leaps from the table. Perhaps make the shuffling sound lighter and stuff like that. I think that would add a lot of realism! 3rd: There has got to be a swallow sound! Right now, the wolf being swallowed is silent! I know that that would add a lot of depth! A simply wonderful little game, Bleu! I've played it and played it until I've nearly worn my screen out! A lovely achievement! I hope these suggestions help! Cheers!


There's a debug menu? I've looked all over and can't find a way to access it.

Maurice Coyote

now this is more like it :3 thank you for the quick fix!


Just joined cuz i read on eka that vore is included now. Word is spreading! Hope my Index works! :3


had to pay again because patreon is stupid. not a penny wasted though


Wooow. Your game is goood! I kinda dont like the 5 Minute Parkour at the beginning. Would love to interact with Talas from the start but it was a very cool VR-First-Time Experience. You really feel like a small mouse yourself.


I managed to get eaten. I love the stomach. A full tour would be awesome. Being in his mouth is kinda weird or i am doing something wrong. Everything is dark except for his eyeballs i can see. Somehow i managed to spot the beak from within but only short bevor he swallows. Do i have to crouch the be truly in his maw? Would be awesome if i could control if and when he swallows me. Maybe with a touch in the uvula/crop or a certain spot.


Is there a way to see how your standing to him currently is?


Yep. Swalllw sound and maybe a short slide through his throat would be awesome!


Anyone get this to work on Quest2 over pclink, airlink, or virtual desktop? I just can't get the headset to switch into the virtual environment. It keeps opening Steamvr and i have to open a "view desktop" window to see the game, at which point it is unplayable because it is accepting the vr input without giving the vr environment.


Anyone know how to trigger the press between feet option?


This is also super hot if you're playing in 3rd person, the lip licking is great and the swallow scene is super hot.