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I'm a little sick today, so I'm a little slow in working through my regular posts.

It was a mixed week.  I was a lot more disciplined in partitioning off the workday, which meant overall I got a lot more done.  I've created a nice buffer for the various side projects and scheduled posts.  Next month's harlot spotlights are already written and ready to post.  I've received sketches for the latest batch from marwmellow (one of which I've shown off here).

I also ported Friesya and Cibi Somnia over to HoHH 1.5.  I need to straighten out some aspects of the GUI and then do a ton of testing, but I'd like to put some serious work into getting a proper expanded demo out in the next month or so, especially as I have a lot more artwork to add.

I also used my leisure time for the 'naughty' games, which gave me the opportunity to sneak out another Hentai Game Review, mentioned in a previous post.  Some of those sexy monster girls might have given me some ideas...

On the down side, work on the Artificial Scylla scenario seems to have stalled, and I was only really able to make a start on her 4th 'specialised' tentacle.  I think rushing to try and get her ready by the end of the month will create a larger block, so I'll do the sensible thing and skip a release this month.  She is fairly modular, so what I might do is shift work on to the next mini-boss and keep going back to her to add a tentacle of two until she's done.

Even with an extra day, February's shortness always catches me out!

A fair bit of work done, but not quite on the thing I wanted to get done.

Thanks for the support and interest.  I'll now retreat back to bed to try and fight this lurgy off.
- manyeyedhydra




Hope you get well soon mate!