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Another slightly sketchy week.

Despite telling myself I wasn't going to go too deep on the MGE-esque harlot profiles... I ended up going a little too deep on the harlot profiles.  I don't have the graphic design chops.  I can do the basics and sometimes even make things look good as with my book covers.  Unfortunately, my lack of skill ends up getting shown up when something doesn't drop in place right away - the "it's close, but it needs something".  I just don't have the finesse to quickly make the changes to get it "there".

I need to pause and have a rethink on this.  Sometimes it's better to keep things simple and effective, than try to make something complex, where the the lack of design know-how will really show it up.

I still have some time here.  I wasn't planning on putting them out until I start giving some harlot art the full public debut next month.  I'll leave it alone for a couple of weeks and then see if I can come back with a fresh head.  Maybe the straight MGE rip of text plus art on a plain white background is the right way to go here.

As for the thing I should have been doing, the week wasn't a total waste as I wrote two more artificial scylla tentacles.  They don't actually take a lot of time to write, so as long as I can stop letting myself getting distracted, I should be able to rattle the other 10 off next week.  I think I'll focus on that, and then look at other things once I've got February's release wrapped up and ready to go at the end of the month.

Thanks for the support.
- manyeyedhydra


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