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This was a slightly slower week as I had some IRL stuff to sort out.

I've got my template in place and typed up for artificial scylla but haven't really had a chance to get stuck into her other tentacles aside from their intro descriptions.  I'm hoping to get a good chunk of them written next week.

Continuing with templates, one of the other things I was playing around with is how to make additional use of the lovely harlot art I'm receiving.  My plan was to give $5 and higher patrons an early preview complete with the original scripts and full background info.  Then, after that period of timed exclusivity wore off, show the art to $1 patrons (but without the scripts and lore), and then a month later start spreading it across the internet for promotional purposes.  One of the ideas I had was to write a short profile for each harlot and combine it with the art to make something similar to KC's Monster Girl Encyclopaedia.  I think that might be a good way of attracting attention to the HoHH game project (and having a Western equivalent of the MGE floating around will be a cool thing to have for monster girl lovers).

I've got a rough template in place, but it's pretty much plain text in a very plain Times New Roman font.  That might be fine, but I'd like to play around to see if I can spruce it up a little.  Not too much time, though, it's supposed to be a promotional tool - the main focus should be HoHH itself!

I might start throwing some examples out next week to see what people think.

Oh, more harlot art is coming is as you can see with the lovely portrait here.  I might have to crank out the harlot spotlights a little faster to keep up with the rate marwmellow is drawing them! :D

Thank you for the support and interest!
- manyeyedhydra




Question: what would you hope for these entries to promote, the finished game or at least Alpha build on Steam or some other game platform OR the fundraiser to help build the game? (Yes, ideally the answer is “Both!”)


I think they can be their own thing (like MGE) that I hope will attract people's attention to the game (you can have the full scene with her). I think I'll need to be careful to keep spoilers out of the profiles, so it doesn't spoil the scenes and tell the player exactly what they need to do to survive.