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The last-minute crunch was successful and I put out v0.054 of House of Hellish Harlots in the middle of last week.  That added an extra harlot, the buxom cow girl Friesya Holstun.  I want to keep the number of unplanned harlots to the minimum, but if a good idea comes along and serves an additional mechanical purpose, I'll add them.

I paused work on the artificial scylla to sneak Friesya in, and then started back up on her right after.  I've nearly typed up one of her tentacles and I'll create a template from that for her other 12 special tentacles.  I've already written their intros.  While she does have 13 specialising semen-sucking tentacles, expect her scenario to be similar to Succuba's, with each option being fairly short.

(The plan for the other mini-bosses is for 4-5 scenes each, but similar in length to a usual harlot scene.  Most regular harlots have 1-3 scenes depending on Bad Ends and stuff.)

I'm also trying to get ahead of deliverables at the moment.  I sent off all the references/descriptions for the next batch of harlots to marwmellow.  That covers the last of the artificial beings.  I've already written a few of the upcoming harlot spotlights for February, so I'm nicely ahead there.

I have fallen a couple of rooms behind for the last dungeon of #SexDungeon23.  That's more on me trying to figure out what fleshy hells/pleasures are in that last section.  I'm hoping to get those written later today to get back on track.

The plan for February is to continue to get ahead on some of the regular deliverables so I can start adding others such as the H-space bestiary stories again.  I also want to put a big push in to get back to work on HoHH 1.5.  I need to straighten out the CSS code there after going in the wrong direction.

Overall, not a bad first month for 2024.  Thank you for the support and interest!
- manyeyedhydra 


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