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Damn, the end of the month is creeping up on me.  Time for a last-minute panic to get a release out.

It's not been a bad start to the year, to be fair.  I've been working fairly hard in getting ahead of certain things, so I have them ready a week or so in advance rather than scrambling to do them right before posting.

That's not been entirely successful as I'm going to be scrambling a little to get the cow girl nurse-in-training ready for release at the end of the month.  She is fully written and I'm in the middle of typing her up, so I should hit that deadline unless something unexpected crops up.

Progress on her and the artificial scylla has been steady, but a little slower than I'd like.  Sometimes I type up 2,000 words in a night, sometimes it's 500.  it's been mostly the latter for the last week or so, which happens.  I have her introductory scenes typed up and I'm working on her additional tentacles.  (She has 13 custom 'semen extraction' tentacles, each specialising in generating a different pleasurable sensation).

Current plan is to make cow girl the next release then get artificial scylla finished early February so then I have plenty of time to get started on the second mini-boss (maybe Temptacia, maybe a smother slime nun).

The art side is running smoothly.  Marwmellow has finished Pêl-V.  Her teaser portrait is above.  And while writing this, the other Pêls have just arrived in my inbox.  I'll be teasing that art out as harlot spotlights over the next few months.

One area I'd really like to get back to is HoHH 1.5.  I have migrated over all the Tier 1 harlots, but I need to properly test them.  But to do that I need to get the display straightened out.  I managed to scramble my codebase a little there, and need to get that straightened out so I can properly test the 30-something harlots before putting a proper demo out.

Thanks for the interest and support!
- manyeyedhydra




Interested to see the horror take on the cowgirl. The Slime Nun is Smother Faction rather than Sensuality though?


She's not too horror (not like the sheep girl). Most of it is standard cow girl nursing handjob. There's an additional optional scene as a reminder that the monster girls of this setting are lust daemons, and even the 'nice' ones can be very dangerous. The smother faction was me starting with the standard femdom/executrix breast smothering scene and wondering how many variations could there be of that, especially when bringing in non-human monster girls. The two mini-bosses remaining are a sticky slime girl (with a lot of ways to smother inside malleable body) and a smother arachne that weaves latex rather than silk. I did think I'd have a slime girl doing erotic body-to-body massage for sensuality (probably Volumpula). That somehow managed to go missing, although there is a Tier 3 slot remaining.


Interesting. Kinky and interesting. For some reason I associated those characters with the Sensuality faction automatically.