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Work took a slight detour this week.  It didn't take long for #MonsterGirl24 to prove it's worth as I decided the cow girl idea needed a full scenario.

She's not part of any faction.  She's another special scenario, similar to Succuba and Nicolette.  These serve specific mechanical functions for game balance.  In abstract board-game terms, Succuba is a converter.  She provides an easy means to convert one player resource (semen) into another (coins).  Nicolette heals ailments.  The cow girl's role is to allow the player to take a turn to replenish their semen count without visiting Nurse Honey.

The option to replenish semen without using Nurse Honey can become very relevant in the later stages.  Use her too much and Nurse Honey will come to collect...

This is something I will need to balance properly once I have all the faction harlots in place and need to calculate what is required to survive that path.

Adding a cow girl 'nurse-in-training' harlot also gives me an excuse to add a classic nursing handjob scene.  I have lactation in there already, but it's with the Boob Fairies and a little fucked-up.  This is a more vanilla take and also features another monster girl type I don't normally write - the buxom cowgirl.  However it's me, so there will probably be some horror aspect lurking somewhere.

It also fixes a minor issue that had been bugging me.  I always knew I'd need a nurse NPC in the House.  Originally it was going to be a buxom cow girl, and she'd heal the player with her special milk.  Then I realised this was a perfect opportunity to add Nurse Honey, and also referenced it in-universe with multiple characters referring to how the last nurse suddenly disappeared and Nurse Honey showed up in place.  However, if you're writing erotica, you can't tease the presence of something, and then not have it show up at all.  So, if there's mention of busty lactating cow girl, I should probably make sure that scene does show up at some point.

I want to avoid adding 'extra' harlots when I can, but felt this one added enough positives she should go in.

Anyway, that's a lot of words to say I wrote a cow girl harlot this week.  Her first draft is mostly done aside from one scene.  Unlike Nicolette, this harlot can Bad End the player if the conditions are met.

I'm also typing up sections of the Artificial Scylla scenario.  I have most of the base scenario in place and one tentacle written.  I want to type that up so I have a proper template in play for the other tentacles.  This should save time and stop me rewriting sections I don't need to.

If all goes to plan, I'll finish cow girl's 1st draft and typing up artificial scylla's template at roughly the same time, and then can switch to typing up cow girl while writing the rest of artificial scylla's special tentacles.

The art side of HoHH is still coming along nicely.  Marwmellow is onto the Pêls of the Artificial Beings faction at the moment.  Pêl-Z is demonstrating why she is the 'perfected' one here.  Wouldn't you just love to hop on and cuddle up with her...

Thanks for the support!
- manyeyedhydra




Is the new cowgirl going to have a traditional bad ending with normal sex or you bring a black rose? Or Is it going to be a hand job had ending?


Bad End sex. Player can trigger it with the Black Rose as usual, or it will be triggered by certain conditions. Weirdly, when I release her, she'll probably seem more lethal than she actually is.