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And now the plans for the upcoming new year.

This year I want to throw everything into finishing the House of Hellish Harlots project.  I've been working on it for a few years now and I want to avoid it becoming one of those forever-in-progress H-games that give Patreon and similar crowdfunding services a bad rep.  By finished I mean five factions of harlots (+ some independents) over 13 rounds leading to a faction-specific Queen encounter and then a possible good ending of the player escaping the House.

As a side note, that won't necessarily be the end of all work on HoHH.  The design is fairly extensible, so I'll always be able to go back and add additional factions later.  Those 'DLCs' will be moved to after getting some long awaited writing projects done such as the 7th short story collection and Succubus Summoning 301.

There is still quite a lot of writing required for HoHH.  The mini-bosses are 4 or 5 scenes in one (the player will have a choice) and the queens are the same but sequential.  That's 15 longish harlot scenarios in total.  On top of that I have 6 regular harlot scenarios to finish, some special scenarios such as Nurse Honey, and maybe some minor side quests where a couple of harlots team-up on the player.  I don't intend to rush or cut corners.  If it takes longer than 2024, it takes longer.  However, pretty much everything is planned out.  It's not a project where I don't know where or how to end it.  The only 'forever' part is that I can add new factions at a later date if there's enough interest for it.

The one aspect of HoHH where there has been some feature creep is the addition of graphics and a nicer display.  After experimenting with some options I think I'm going to keep the screen layout similar to the initial demos - simple text box with transparency over a background image next to a single 'pin-up' image for each harlot.  Character sheets and similar will also be text.  I did look into getting someone to do fancier backgrounds for the text box, but it became an issue when resizing the screen and I think the project is better as a simple html page that can handle resizing and display on mobile devices.  Simple-and-done is better than forever-in-progress there, so that's what I'll stick to.

Because HoHH now has harlot art, I'll be continuing the regular early previews for $5 and $10 subscribers as well as giving detailed background information and inspirations on the characters.  While I would have loved to have kept to the single $1 funding level, the reality is I do need to raise funds to commission the artist(s).

Onto fiction writing.  I won't try to do what I tried (and failed) in 2023 of setting time aside for writing the 4 short stories required for the 7th collection.  My sole focus is going to be finishing HoHH so I can then make the 7th collection and then Succubus Summoning 301 my sole focus after finishing HoHH.  That said, I'm still going to be flexible.  If I find I need a break from working on HoHH or get struck by inspiration to write a really good story idea right now, I'm going to do that.  What I won't do is set myself arbitrary deadlines or drop everything to try and get something written for a Literotica competition.  That has messed things up in the past, so I want to avoid tripping myself up on that.

The one fiction project I will keep going is the rewrites of the old H-space bestiary stories.  Ideally I'd like one out every month so the content here isn't just HoHH, but I suspect that might be hard to stick to, especially if I'm having a good run writing the HoHH mini-bosses.

This is all flexible.  I might plan to write HoHH scenarios, then suddenly find I'm writing the 7th collection stories instead as a distraction behaviour.  I don't mind that, as long as the distraction activity is also useful!

For the 'brainstorming' project, I did like the #SexDungeon23 exercise.  Next year I'll be doing #MonsterGirl24, which is a little less restrictive.  I'll be seeing if I can create a new monster girl character every day for the year.  This is a bit of a cheat, as by 'create' it will mostly be copying unused designs over from my many years of notes.

Anyway, those are my tentative plans for the upcoming year.  I hope that sounds entertaining and worth supporting.
- manyeyedhydra


Shane Stevens

To be fair, a lot of those who give Patreon projects a bad name are not because they drag on but because they drag on with no real progress, milking the people who support them. Y

Shane Stevens

You are most certainly not one of those; that being said, if you feel the HoHH is ready to be wrapped up then I fully support you and am here for any games you make in the future!


Happy New Year. HoHH has been great. Have tons of fun with it but not gonna lie, been dying for SS301 :). Keep doing you though I love your stuff.


Yep. It's been a while. I never expected HoHH to take as long as it has. It's good to have self-discipline, though, so I'm hoping I can transfer that to when I get back to the Succubus Summoning series.