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We're into the holiday period, so I'm having to fit things around usual holiday period type stuff.

The good news is that after being stuck a little longer than I'd have liked on 'rewrite' scenarios, I'm finally getting back to a more regular schedule.

Nicolette is fully written up and mostly implemented.  I just need to add some final tweaks and finish testing, and then HoHH v0.052 will be ready to go out either later tonight or tomorrow morning (perfect timing for Christmas!)

After that, I'll be looking to get HoHH v0.053 out at the end of the month, or as close to the end of the month as I can.  After sorting out my notes, I have 6 regular harlot slots left to fill.  I have 3 'locked in' (forbidden smotherer, a wide-eyed waif succubus, and - surprisingly - The Elegant Woman) and 3 with ideas but floating as I'm not sure if the idea is either in the right faction or should be one of the mini-bosses (a nautical huntress with mermaid, scylla and other marine pets).

These are all Tier 3 harlot slots, so I might just get 3 done to have material to put out if the first few mini bosses end up taking longer than anticipated.  The other 3 can wait until I've ironed out the kinks in my head.

I did type up the start of Forbidden Smotherer's scenario, but although she's the one in-progress at the moment, there are still some snarl-ups in the latter part of her scenario I'm working through.  She might be the v0.053 release or one of the others.  It depends what takes my fancy next week.

I'm also getting closer to a proper switch over to HoHH 1.5 (the one with graphics).  Nicolette is the last of the Tier 1 harlots.  I need to copy her and Sister Squeeze over, and finish porting one more harlot to have the complete Rounds 1-4 roster in place (about 35 harlots).  There is a ton of testing and tweaking to be done there, so a full demo is still maybe a month or two away.

You might have noticed #SexDungeon23 has stopped updating again.  I wanted to put full focus on getting HoHH work running smoothly again, so that's been temporarily put aside.  It's not going to be abandoned.  I'm going to push it back a month while I sort HoHH out.  This means November's month is now January, and the last month will be February.

Thank you for the support and Merry Christmas!
- manyeyedhydra



After I put out the roadmap, I looked at some of the slots I needed to fill and realised the way to solve the "where do I put the NPC scenarios" problem was to put them in those spots. Elegant Woman fits perfectly as a Tier 3 encounter (I've known what her main mechanic is for a long time). Once I ironed out how the mini-bosses work, Buxom Lolibaba seemed perfect to fill that slot as well.