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More slow and steady progress.

I was hoping to get Nicolette out, but got stuck on her for a couple of days.  The ending of the original scene deviates a lot from where I want the HoHH scenario to go.  As with Sister Squeeze, these rewrites are not "free" at all if the source needs a lot of changes.

While I was stuck I went back to migrating harlot scenarios over to HoHH 1.5.  I'm onto the Tier 1 independents now.  Suka no-Hirudo was... tricky.  I always forget how big her scenario is (especially with the repeat visit functionality) and the older scenarios have odd structures that require the passages being moved around so I can properly wrap them in <div> tags (that the "fancy" CSS of HoHH 1.5 requires).

I've also been trying out the UI art I've received.  Some I like.  Some I'm uncertain on.  I'll look for full feedback on that when I put out a new demo early next year.

At the end of the week I managed to get Nicolette unstuck.  I've adapted about 3.5K words from the original source.  I just need to fill in some additional material and dialogue and that should be ready for implementation.  Fingers crossed I'll have v0.052 out in time for Christmas.

#SexDungeon23 kind of started, then stuttered again.  It's the nature of the other projects taking priority.  I'm hoping I'll be able to make time to write a chunk of rooms, but for now getting Nicolette out is the higher priority.

Thanks for the support.
- manyeyedhydra 


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