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First a massive fuck you to Patreon for needlessly moving things around on your posting page.  I love wasting half an hour and having to write this a second time because posting is randomly now a two-page process and Patreon keeps moving where you set the tags for the post.  Great design... sigh.

Anyway, that's a fairly decent summary of the week.  Some progress, some false starts.

I'm still in the middle of adapting Nicolette from Nicole's "Locked in with a Succubus" story.  I think these adaptions aren't quite as quick and easy as I first thought.  It's dependent on story.  Acarina and Eve Satana were fairly quick and straightforward (aside from the code tweaks required for Eve Satana).  Sister Squeeze ended up being a lot more difficult than anticipated.  I don't think Nicolette will be as bad.  I just need to redo a lot of the dialogue and tweak some of the scenes.  Nicole is heavily roleplaying a deadly femme fatale succubus in the story because she knows that's George's secret fantasy.  A lot of that doesn't really fit for a HoHH scenario (while some of the harlots are roleplaying certain roles, Nicolette is intended to be less complicated).

I've got about 2K words done there.  Hopefully a good edit will bash it into shape.

I'm still aiming to keep to the original plan of Nicolette out mid-Dec, and then a new release at the end of the month.

I've also been working on the UI for the fancier version of HoHH.  I have some art for it, but I'm not 100% on it at the moment.  I've had the art for a while, but had a massive problem with my codebase in that I didn't have a proper testing branch for the CSS/JavaScript UI elements set up.  I had to pretty much rewrite that from scratch.  Now that is properly set up, I should be able to try more things.

The porting of old harlots is still going fine.  I just have a couple left to do (and a lot of testing) and then I can start to look to putting out a full demo that includes all the Round 1-4 harlots.

#SexDungeon23 is still kicking along.  I finished off the Cathedral last week.  I've got some ideas for the next location.  Hoping to get that started later tonight.

Thanks for the support and interest!
- manyeyedhydra 




Just from the head image alone, im reminded of a busty and curvy female Pyro from Team Fortress 2 wearing a latex suit.