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Yeah, it was always going to be Tuesday.  This release has fought me pretty much all the way.  The battle is at last finally over.  Here is the delayed v0.051 release.

This allows me to finally add another requested harlot from the polls.  Version 0.051 adds Sister Squeeze from my old short story "Squeezed".

Sister Squeeze
Her speciality is sexy roleplay.  It's a comic book superheroes and villains roleplay.  Sister Squeeze roleplays the sexy femme fatale villainess.  She'll either let the player defeat and "punish" her, or defeat and dominate them.

The wrinkle is that Sister Squeeze has actual powers and they're pretty dangerous.

Going behind scenes, what started as a straight rewrite of her story sex scene ended up being a little more complex.  When working out her mechanics, I didn't know whether to make Sister Squeeze an early round Tier 1 harlot, or a much more dangerous late round Tier 3.  In the end, the spot I needed to fill was in the Tier 1 bracket and I felt it fit her personality better.  However, if the player is unlucky, they can get her Tier 3 version, and probably won't survive it.

(As always, if you'd like to see her Tier 3 version, you can always bring her a Black Rose.  This might be the scenario where it has a real use.)

Working on her background was fun.  Is this the same Sister Squeeze as the story?

Maybe.  I worked some lore in to make it work if needed.  I'm still not sure whether I want to bring that story into the wider universe.  This might be the same Sister Squeeze, or it might be a very similar character with the same name.  I'll leave my options open.

I hope you enjoy playing with her and once again apologise for it coming out so late.  Also, given that this release seems to be slightly cursed, even after testing I'm still concerned something will blow up somewhere.  Let me know if you run into anything that seems out of place.

As always, I've attached as a .zip file.  Just unzip it, double-click and it should run in your regular internet browser.

I've also updated the houseofhellishharlots website.  The new password is:

Here's hoping the delays on this one were a temporary blip.



HARLOT REVIEW! Sister Squeeze is quite fascinating because like Calliophi, she is a pacifist in a different way. I love how Sister Squeeze is basically a Jamician black woman with blue skin, but she has an identify issue. Sister Squeeze doesn't feel like a sex daemon to me, she's more like an X Men Mutant with a high sex drive. It wouldn't be that far fetch to find her at Xavier's school, but Wolverine, Xavier, and the others would strongly urge her to wear clothes. She literally has the blue skin of Mystique and the stretch powers of Mr Fantastic and I love how she does have a comic book-like vibe to her. I also like how the Madam is upset with her for being too nice. Yes she might not like a harlot having unfair rules and making it very hard for a man to survive, but I like how she also won't tolerate a harlot being "too nice" and letting every man go because it breaks her balance and fairness rules. All in all, she's a wonderful harlot and I do love how you put some elements from "Squeezed" into it, especially when it came to the "Cum deep" dialogue. GG MEH.


Yup. The original was a comic-book mutant with pervy powers. To include her, she needed to be another lust daemon. Rather than make an expy that looked the same, I thought I'd tweak the background to explain how they could be the same character, if I eventually decide to make them the same character. It also varies things to have a harlot not behave like a typical succubus. I like messing around with the reverse sex roleplays, where the harlots are roleplaying as things they already are, but keeping their dangerous sides in check. I need to work that into a proper story at some point!


You mention she's been in a story before - where can I find that please?


The proper updated version can be found in his collection, A Succubus for Christmas, which is available cheaply on Amazon. There’s an older version online at the Literotica website. It’s a cool story.