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Slightly late on the update post.  I was travelling back home by train this morning and this is the first opportunity I've had to post.

The good part of it is I used the recent train journeys to finally finish the whole 1st draft of Sister Squeeze.  This harlot went from what should have been a simple revamp of her Bad End scene in her short story to a complete roadblock.  I'm hoping that with the 1st draft done I'll finally get the gears turning again.  So, fingers crossed, I'll finally have her typed up and out sometime next week.  Massive apologies on the delay for that.  Sometimes things get really stuck and it takes a good whack to get them moving again.

I've also been doing the preliminary work for Nicolette.  She's another revamp from stories, but with a different character name as there are very strong background and lore reasons as to why Nicole cannot be in the House.  Instead we'll have Nicolette, who shares a resemblance, and she'll be giving the player a lovely waterbed massage similar to the one George received in "Locked in with the Succubus".

My HoHH goals for the rest of the month are to get the late Sister Squeeze release out and have Nicolette ready for the end of the month.

I've just received the latest batch of harlot artwork.  I've attached a teaser.  I'll be continuing to sneak out full reveals complete with their backgrounds and lore to $5 and higher subscribers.

The Cathedral section for #SexDungeon23 is also moving again.  Hoping to get the room count caught up again by the end of the month.

Thanks for the support.
- manyeyedhydra




Congrats on Sister Squeeze! writing to order always throws up these weird blocks.


Ah its good MEH, don't stress because it will ruin your muse. I don't want you to feel forced to writing because you are under obligation by people throwing money at you. It starts to become an annoying job you have to do instead of something you love doing. Anyway, is Nicolette related to Nicole? Or is she a succubus that knows who Nicole is and wants to be free like her? Kind of like Boobella being held against her will?