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Another slightly stuttering week.

On the positive side I was able to get the first Harlot spotlight out for $5+ subscribers.  That was the artwork for Bebi Ansikt-Sitta as well as some behind-scenes-commentary on her lore and game mechanics.

Artwork permitting, I'm hoping to put a new one out every couple of weeks.

On the artwork front, that's progressing fairly nicely.  I've seen all the preliminary sketches for the next batch and they look lovely.  Once done, that will cover all of the Smotherbus faction aside from the mini-bosses and Queen (which I've still to write).

I'm still porting harlots over to HoHH 1.5.  I think I have maybe 6-7 left to do out of the Tier 1s (although I still need to finish Sister Squeeze and write Nicolette).

Sister Squeeze (the HoHH v0.051) release got fairly badly stuck.  I think that's a dose of deadline pressure locking me up as well as having a lot of other things going on at the moment.  I felt I'd lost the thread on writing her, so went and typed up her early sections to get it back.  That was around 2K words, which, on top of the 2K words from her adapted story Bad End puts her to around 4K words.

My plan is still to get her out when done and also have the usual new release at the end of the month.  I'm going to be cautious on it.  If trying to push it keeps playing havoc with my productivity, I'll switch to working on other harlots (maybe start writing the mini-bosses) just to get things moving again.

#SexDungeon23 is again taking a bit of a hit as I scramble to get organised again.  It's the lowest priority of the ongoing projects.  Once I get writing on HoHH flowing smoothly again, I'll see if I can catch up with the naughty nuns at a very corrupt cathedral.

Thanks for the support and patience!
- manyeyedhydra



Its cool MEH and I just paid for 5$ tier for Bebi and I was quite pleased. Not just you providing the art, and raw scripts, but giving out lore and world building about the House, harlot, the Dominion of Lust. I want to see all harlots have a deep dive into what they are. I want questions like: Why is the harlot in the House? Is she there against her will or did she choose to be there? Is she part of any "sex cult" like the Smotherbus succubi are part of the Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs, or is she an independent lone wolf? What does she think about humans? Are they yummy prey or walking sex toys? What type of human male gets the harlot turned on very quickly? Like does a buff gym bro, or intelligent doctor, or a dancer make the harlot very wet upon meeting the human male? Or does the harlot don't discriminate and all humans are fair game (like Nurse Honey). What does she think about the other harlots? Like what does Huntress Diana think of Panta or Osculia? Why does the harlot choose to have this specific sex act? Like Britnee preferring to go straight to sex instead giving out a blowjob, or Zuripai preferring full body paizuri instead of just lying down on her belly and letting the man penetrate her from behind. Does the harlot plan to stay in the House forever? Is this a once in a year thing? Or does she plan to go to Earth via a warlock, or slipping through via Subway Succubus. Anyway, I looked forward for a deep dive. The extra pay was worth it :D


Cheers! The deep dive on the lore is something I wanted to add as a sweetener so the higher tiers aren't just about funding the art. I tend to build the lore up as and when is needed. It's a mix of some things I've figured out but are holding back as a surprise plot point, and stubs I've left over to build upon later. What I want to try and avoid is retcons or the modern massive Hollywood writing flaw of "screw the lore, we want to show this cool thing!", which then creates implications that destroys that universe. The other extreme is "Insert Own Plot", where the creator obviously doesn't have anything behind the curtain, and is relying on human psychology wanting to fill those gaps to make the creator seem smarter than they actually are (a massive massive flaw with a lot of the modern horror/weird fiction I've read and why I mostly don't bother with it nowadays). I build as necessary and finalise when needed. This means I can answer some questions, but not others. And sometimes, answering the questions helps figuring out some lore points I've missed myself. In general, though, most of the lust daemons are individuals. While I try to avoid humanising them (they should always seem slightly alien), they have differing preferences. This also extends to how they regard humans. At the risk of contradicting the previous point about humanising daemons, it's probably similar to how some people eat meat and don't care too much about how the animal is treated (eg fois gras), or just eat meat and are realists about where it comes from (hunters, farmers), eat meat and try not to think about the cute piggies/lambs/chicks etc that go into it, eat some animals and not others (only eat fish), don't eat meat at all, etc. There is also a succubus twist on top of that is that 'good' people generally taste nicer to a lust daemon, so some take it up on themselves to cultivate that (for genuine or sinister aims - obviously that is kept hidden by me for later plot points!). That also extends to sex preferences. It's a taste thing similar to how people have favourite foods. It's also not just a food thing. Some may indeed develop feelings for some humans. Not really love, but difficult to explain fully because they're not humans, and a way to show they're not human is to have the concepts not really map from humans to daemons. (I feel I have to have this otherwise there would be no eroticism at all for some people!) Another general rule I have (but not fully fledged out) is that it's not easy for a daemon to get to and live on Earth. Some can filter in and stay through gaps in the barrier. Some need to summoned (and can stay if the summoner is dumb and doesn't add a proper closing cause). Others are powerful enough to force through, but can only stay temporarily. The House is like a weird waypoint. How the harlots end up there depends on harlot to harlot. For some it's the only way they can get their hands on some lovely live humans. Others are stuck there for undefined punishment, or to pay of undefined debts. That aspect is very much unfinalised at the moment. I'm had vague ideas for groups and factions within the Dominion of Lust, but how the politics and relations between them work is very open, and will likely stay that way as I think it's better to only give hints and keep it mysterious (although, to avoid the Insert Own Plot pitfall mentioned earlier, I will probably plan some of them out so it is fully defined behind the scenes even if the reader isn't privy to all of it. Hehe, that was a long reply. I should maybe make it a general lore post at some point!


do you have plans to have another photo for the "drain scene" itself? like pov? i think it would really add to the experience ^_^


Not currently. I don't really have the budget to add full H-scenes. Then again, I didn't think the project would have any art at all, so they could appear later if the interest is there. My main priority is getting a base version finished. H-scenes would be out of scope for that. Once that's done, though, I can always extend it later with proper H-scene art and additional factions. Even though most of the harlot slots are filled, I'm still jotting down ideas for future additions.