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If the player accepts the NAUGHTY NUNs' offer of help, they will lead him to a side booth and give him 'help' with paying the toll.

This has them drop the player's pants.  One will grab the player's dick from behind and start masturbating him.  The other will remove her robes to reveal a supernaturally alluring figure.

This is a thing with the succubi for this area.  They are unearthly beautiful, to the point it erodes the will of anyone looking at them for too long.

It won't take the NAUGHTY NUN long to jerk the player off.  But she will have him ejaculate over the other NAUGHTY NUN rather than on the door as required.  The other NUN will announce the player has extremely potent 'energy' and they want it for themselves.


I thought a fight here would be slightly more forgiving than an auto Bad End.

It's going to be a tricky fight.  It's 2-v-1 and one NAUGHTY NUN already has the player's erection in her hands.  Their attacks are mostly flaunting their perfect bodies and trying to erode the player's WILL to the point they start sabotaging themselves or outright giving up.

If the player wins, they'll return to the main entrance in time to observe a pilgrim 'paying the toll' to enter the cathedral and will be able to do likewise to gain entrance.


The front entrance to the cathedral is up some stone steps and through a big open set of double doors (also adorned with art of 'saints' that is more scandalous than pious).

While those doors are open, after that the steps lead back down and the entrance is partitioned into multiple wooden doors.  These door are closed and look far too firm to break down.

After the player is stuck there puzzling for a short while, a pair of NAUGHTY NUNs will come up to them and ask if they need help "paying the entrance" toll.

The player can decline and wait, or go with them to a side booth.

If they wait, they will eventually see another pilgrim come along.  The pilgrim walks up to one of the wooden doors, drops their trousers and masturbates until they ejaculate onto the wooden door.  This causes a magical light to flare and the door to open.

This will be a recurring theme for this area.  Proving devotion is about paying tolls, and the toll is dropping pants and spunking on things.  Might be a little gross.  I'm not used to catering to 'public' or masturbation fetishes, so let's see how things go...


This is the last of the three zones the player needs to tackle before unlocking the final castle.

Again, the SUCCUBUS COMPANION might have ulterior motives for sending the player careering around Ur-Carnosa and deposing the heads of various powerful daemon power groups.

The cathedral was once the seat of worship for the city, then the daemons took it over and perverted it.  Similar to the Tombs area, the daemons in charge of this building have offshoots and cults spread across the world.  This gives them a steady supply of pilgrims that visit the city to 'commune' with their 'gods', only never to return.

I'm still not sure how this group works.  I want to get back to the idea of Ur-Carnosa as a kind of 'brothel city'.  Humans are lured in by the promise of fulfilling every kind of perverse sexual fantasy.  And plenty return.  If the daemons ate everyone, no-one would visit!  So there would be visitors drawn in by Ur-Carnosa's salacious reputation, but also some where it's a holy pilgrimage, because their home religions have already been corrupted.

The cathedral is still a house of worship, but now to baser desires.  The player will see it right away.  The building is large and imposing, which is a reminder of its former life as a legitimate house of worship.  Now it seems visibly off.  There is a tangible taint of perversion and debasement.  Holy icons and statues of saints have been replaced with facsimiles that look similar, but have a taint to them.  Not overtly sexualised, but revealing a flash here and there that would never be permitted for a statue of a saint.

The only way in is through the main doors.  It's not guarded.  There are other worshippers moving to and fro.

They don't seem all there.  As if mesmerised...


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