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One of the pleb 'relief' rooms is in use.  The player will hear loud orgasmic moans and then panicky cries for help.

They can ignore them, in which case the cries fade away.  If they come back later, the door will be unlocked and the room one of the standard paizuri relief rooms.

The player can try to knock the door down.  If they don't succeed in time, they'll break into an empty room (one of the standard paizuri rooms the player can use themselves with no ill effects.)

If they do succeed in time, they'll break in just in time to see a man fall through a magic portal in the floor.  The portal opens up into a pit of boobs.  The player won't be able to reach in and will only be able to watch as the pit of boobs swallows up the man.

This is also the standard Bad End should the player 'die' in any of the booby trap rooms.  A magical portal will open up beneath them and they'll fall into a pit of boobs.  The pits are fleshy and 'alive'.  They'll rub the tits sexually against anyone falling in.  Unfortunately the pleasures will be intense but short-lived.  The nipples leak both an aphrodisiac gas to keep captives docile and a powerful 'erotic digestive' fluid to cause them to ejaculate out all of their life 'energy'. 


This is another 'relief' room.  There are a set of boobs mounted on each wall, but these are solid brass.

If the player uses the room, they are supposed to sit on a pile of soft cushions and masturbate while powerful aphrodisiac gas pours in through the nipples of the brass boobs.

At this point, the player might have noticed a theme to the lower rooms.  The Boob Witches attitude to non-magic users is basically go off in a small room and have a wank.  This goes some way to explaining why the bottom floor is quiet.

Again there is a 'fail' condition (critical WILL fail, or HEALTH going to 0) that will trigger a BAD END.


This is the standard 'relief' room on the bottom floor and there are multiple of them (2 to 4).  It's a small, clean room.  There are a pair of large and extremely lifelike breasts mounted on the far wall.

They are not alive but constructed of a rubbery synthetic material that feels like warm flesh.

The player will know exactly what to do as just looking at them will give them a strong urge to rub first their face between them, then their cock.

The player can do this, in which case it will feel like very pleasant paizuri.  As with similar activities, it will reset AROUSAL to zero for a small HEALTH loss.

It's also harmless unless a critical condition is activated (either a critical WILL fail, or the small HEALTH loss is enough to 'kill' the player.  More on that later)


For non-magic users (and for curious magic users), the illusory guide will give them a brief tour of the ground floor and the facilities available for "non-gifted" visitors.

The hall is circular, with doors at regular intervals around the walls.  Next to the doors are plush benches and bookcases full of salacious erotica.

The player might be able to loot a spell or some useful info from these bookcases if they're lucky.

It's mostly a waiting area for if the rooms are busy, which they are not.


On the far side of the main hall, on the other side of the fountain, is an impressive staircase.  Or rather, part of a staircase.  The lower half has been completely removed, rendering it impossible for the player to walk up to the next floor.

There is a fancy magic circle on the ground.

The illusory guide will explain that the titty witches are snobby about which clientele they'll actually see.  They're only interested in having sex with magic users.

If someone is not a magic user, the tower does have other erotic diversions and the illusory recording, offers to give the player a tour.

There isn't really much puzzle here, although how to proceed will depend on what mechanics and class system the game ends up using.  The player will just need to stand in the circle and perform some sort of magic.

If character development is through a Dark Souls system, where any character has access to any skill providing they level up the base stats for it, that will be fairly easy.  Stand in the circle and cast any magic spell the player knows.

If the game ends up with a stricter class system there will need to be provisions to prevent non-magic users being locked out of the upper floors.  In this case the magic requirement can be handled through consumables.

This will probably still be fairly cryptic.  With the aim of making the player think they need to solve a puzzle on the ground floor.


I'm running a little late on these thanks to other distractions.  I'm hoping to get it moving again and then caught up again.

The bottom floor is a wide open space with a large fountain in the centre.  The fountain is of a succubus with very big tits wearing a witch's hat.  What looks like milk pours from the nipples of the statue.

The player will also be welcomed by an illusory projection of the same witch succubus.

This seems to be some sort of standard welcome to guests detailing how the tower specialises in using magic and tits in "servicing" guests.

I'm considering another retcon here.  Ur-Carnosa was originally envisioned as a city of endless brothels, each with differing specialties (like in Interspecies Reviewers).  Then it sort of drifted into regular city, but with lust daemons running the admin buildings.  That makes the central regions a bit weird, as the only humans there are slaves, and the player wouldn't really have the freedom to run around without half the city trying to stop them.

This is the beauty of a brainstorming exercise.  Get the random ideas out first, then go back and bash it into shape later.  The player still needs to sneak in – but only because only exclusive clientele are allowed here.  Or maybe the regular gates have powerful enchantments that make anyone passing through docile and less willing to fight back.



Im excited to see how you are going to do the succubi witch girls, MEH. It would be a good exercise to see how you will do Buxom Lolibaba. Im surprised there aren't that many boob job scenes in the House. Acarina and Boobella give you tit jobs, but they are fatal. Succuba is the only one to give you a safe tit job scene.


That's surprising. I like those scenes. Must have been a weird thing where the conventional paizuri harlot ideas didn't go all the way to implementation. I know I had a few jotted down. The smother faction also tends to tip things towards boob smothering rather than paizuri. Temptacia and the harem troupe will probably have more conventional boob scenes.


Its cool MEH, you can always go back and add them, no sweat :D. I wonder if she will reveal more information about the House or the Dominion of Lust. I love it when a harlot is fucking you, she will reveal new information about the Madam's House and the Dominion of Lust. Anyway I was looking on your blog and discovered that some Anons were wondering how can any men fight a succubi and well...it got me thinking. How are you going to make Traeger a badass succubus hunter? He got bailed out by a gay dude and how will he fair against succubi like Rosa, Physalia, or even Nicole? We saw that even a badass Duke Nukem-like action hero that is Kurt Carpenter lose, so how is Traeger going to take down the werewolf resort, or Amanda the snake girl, or Annette Brite and her succubi? You are in dire need of more opposition fighting against Annette Brite and Koontz. They have been feeling a bit too invincible in my honest opinion.


Being aware of what they're fighting and what angle of attack she's going to use (get you so horny you want to fuck rather than fight) is most of the battle for a lust daemon hunter. I don't have stories with that because the hunter putting a silver bolt through the succubus's head is not going to give much opportunity for erotica. (I'd probably do that story as suggested to a patron writing their own series - put the erotica at the front where the succubus consumes a random character, then have the hunter come along and put them down/banish them.) A lot depends on power levels. The serial killer in "AProudMaleFeminist gets creamed" would have been more than a match for Corene if he'd known what she was and hadn't allowed her to give him that paralysing massage. With other succubi (Phil's crew, Nicole) he wouldn't have the tools to handle them even if he'd known beforehand. However, a medium warlock from Phil's school could banish them fairly easily. Unless, he was actually in the Dominion of Lust, then he's probably succ'ed unless he's very powerful or can 'banish' himself back to Earth.