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After the triple-locked door is another short staircase leading up to a large room with padded black rubber walls and filled with a variety of BDSM gear.  There are also plenty of TV screens (magic equivalents of) depicting prisoners falling prey to traps and dominatrix prison guards.  The SADISTRIX WARDEN is waiting for the player here.


The SADISTRIX WARDEN fights with a combination of both the PRISON DOMINATRIX and CAGE DOMME techniques.  She has a whip enchanted to cause erotic bliss rather than pain on strikes.  She also has a variety of bondage magic to tie up and immobilise the player.

Despite her fearsome appearance and role as warden of the prison, her personality is closer to an entertainer.  Hence allowing prisoners to escape and 'filming' their efforts.  If the player proves to be genuinely dangerous (as in wins the fight), she'll teleport out of there long before the player gets close to delivering a killing blow.

There are also hints that she's quite friendly with SUCCUBUS COMPANION aiding the player.  If the SUCCUBUS COMPANION's ulterior motive is regime change and using the player to get rid of the old leadership, the SADISTRIX WARDEN is likely a character that will retain her place afterwards.

And with that, we've escaped THE PRISON.  Next up, it's time to scale THE TOWER OF TITTY WITCHES.


The last cell is an uncomplicated fightfuck with a CAGE DOMME for a key.


I figured I couldn't create such an interesting monster girl and only give the player the opportunity to fight her once (although the second fight is optional as the player can get the 3 keys they need from other rooms if they feel their build isn't conducive to a straight fightfuck).


Another cell with black rubber walls and a key plinth at the far end.  A CAGE DOMME sits rather ominously in the corner.

If the player checks first, they will notice the floor is a flat rubber mat and seems to be glistening wetly in places.

On the player entering, the CAGE DOMME will motion to the key plinth and then place an hourglass timer on the table next to her.

The floor of this cell is covered in a very sticky substance.  The player has a limited amount of time to pull themselves free before the CAGE DOMME will smoothly jump up and settle over him with her Bad-End-inducing dress.  The player will need to pass two checks to reach the key, and a third more difficult one on the way out (the CAGE DOMME will not be as lenient on time there).


By now the player will probably realise this top floor is set up like a perverted game show, with each cell a challenge room.

Cell 4 looks like the others with thick padded walls and another key plinth.  After the player enters, the door clicks shut behind them, the cell is plunged into unnatural darkness, and a CAGE DOMME drops down from the ceiling.  Because the floor is inflated rubber, her landing will bounce the player off their feet and disorient them.

The player needs to retrieve the key in complete darkness without the CAGE DOMME settling over them with her dress.


This is another cell with thick padded walls and key plinth at the far side.  This has a key on it.

It's also, predictably, another trap.  When the player reaches it, the plinth tips back and the key slides down a rubber-lined crawlspace.  At the safe time the player will hear ominous hissing and the walls will start to swell inwards.

This is a standard stat-check race against time.  The player needs to retrieve the key from the end of the crawlspace and then force their way through the expanding rubber walls back to the exit.  Take too long and the player will be trapped and squeezed between the expanding rubber walls until they lose consciousness.

This will lead to a Bad End.  Either the standard one of being trapped under a CAGE DOMME's dress, or a unique one where one of the PRISON DOMINATRICES slides in and fucks the player to obedience while both are squeezed tight by the rubber walls.


The interior of this cell looks surprisingly comfy with padded black walls.  The player can also see one of the key plinths at the back, although this one doesn't seem to have a key on the cushion.

Entering the cell and walking to the back will confirm it – the key has already been taken.  Standing in front of the plinth will also trigger a trap.  The door will lock and gas will be pumped into the room.  The SADISTRIX WARDEN isn't playing around here either.  While most of the lust daemons favour AROUSAL-raising gas, this is straight knockout gas and the player will be incapacitated very swiftly if they're unable to get the door open.

Fortunately for the player, one of the NPCs will come along to open the door and rescue them before they're incapacitated.  This will likely be the Rogue NPC and is dependent on the player saving them back in the Slime Sewers.

The one point I'm divided on is whether the trap will be 'lethal' if the player missed or didn't save the NPC, especially as it might be in the player's interests later on to not save the NPC.  The NPC interactions is something I'll look into in greater depth should I come to seriously implement the project.  The room is optional, so can be avoided.  Instant Bad End might be a little harsh, so the player might be able to pass some tough stat checks to both hold their breath long enough and then either pick the lock or force the door.

If the NPC rescues the player, they won't stay with them as they're looking for someone they think is in the lower floor.  If the player found the milking factory, they can direct the NPC to their and help them out.

If the NPC was not around and the player succumbs to the gas, they'll come to just in time to have one of the CAGE DOMMEs settle over them, which will give the same Bad End beneath her dress as losing a fightfuck to one.


The first cell the player comes across is locked.  It looks quite comfortable with padded black walls and floor.  A CAGE DOMME is in the centre of the cell.  Her face is twisted in pleasure while her large dress pulses and throbs obscenely.  Moaning can be heard coming from underneath it.

The CAGE DOMME notices the player and slows her dress down to powerful throbs.  This triggers the moans from within her dress to tip over into loud orgasm.

The CAGE DOMME will tell the player she's busy now, but one of her 'sisters' will come along to tend to him.


At the end of the corridor is another locked door.  This has three keyholes.  The SADISTRIX WARDEN wants the player to find three keys before leaving this floor.

This will likely come as annoyance to the player if they checked the cells first and already found one of the keys.


Jimmy the Cannon

Oh I do like the sound of titty witches.