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The blue jelly on the walls will keep thickening as the player goes deeper into the slime tunnels.  They will eventually come across the entrance to a massive underground reservoir.  This has now been completely filled by the heart of the GIGANTIC SLIME.

This is a fakeout boss room.  The player can enter and attempt to fight the GIGANTIC SLIME, but only if they haven't been paying attention or use any sort of common sense.

The boss for the region is the SLIME QUEEN.  The GIGANTIC SLIME is more of an environmental hazard.  The GIGANTIC SLIME is now so vast she could collapse the whole of Ur-Carnosa should she have any sort of ambition.  Thankfully, she's as lazy and unambitious as she is vast, and is content to just fill the sewers and absorb everything that comes to her.

It will play out as a fake boss fight, but the player will not be able to inflict damage and will eventually be overwhelmed by grapple attacks.  This one will probably have a different BAD END to the common BAD END triggered by falling into or being absorbed in the slime tunnels to 'reward' the player for attempting the impossible.

There will be a hint in that the player will still have a RUN option (normally disabled for boss fights).  They can use this to escape.  They would need to use it quickly as once the GIGANTIC SLIME starts wrapping them in blue jelly, the chance to escape will be gone.

It should play out as a sexy hopeless femdom fuckfight.  The player can have fun with it once and will then figure out they should just avoid this room.


This is another quest line stub that might be expanded later.  The player will see a suspicious looking succubus (that I might retcon to have show up earlier) and have the opportunity to follow her.

Follow her too far and she'll ambush them in a small chamber and use wind magic to snuff out their torch.  The GIGANTIC SLIME will do the rest.

This is a bit of a spiteful BAD END that punishes the player for doing what most games encourage them to do – explore and investigate.  Because of this there would need to a previous warning not to engage this particular succubus and an additional warning that the player is entering tunnels where the blue slime is very thick and they should probably turn back.

As for the ADVERSARY SUCCUBUS, not really sure of her role yet, if any.  As with the various NPCs, these rooms are stubs to maybe connect up into proper running sidequests later.


This is the main reward for going off the 'safe' path.  Somewhere in the maze of tunnels is one of the big chambers the GIGANTIC SLIME uses to deposit indigestible things she absorbs.  This means a lot of bones and a lot of loot.

The player will also come across the ROGUE NPC.  They're carefully picking through the remains in search of something.

Whatever that is will be determined later when I figure out what the ROGUE's quest line is – they're maybe looking for remains, or possibly tasking with assassinating the same prince the player is trying to rescue.

The player won't have long here.  The GIGANTIC SLIME will notice the presence of both and start dropping globs of slime down to extinguish the torches.  The player will only have a chance to loot a couple of items.

There might also be a repercussion decision in that a glob of slime will hit the ROGUE and extinguish their torch.  The player can choose to escort them back to the nearest barrel, or leave them to the GIGANTIC SLIME (preventing them from showing up again).


Following the cultists' designated 'safe' path will eventually run into a hitch – a blockage brought about by a ceiling collapse.  The player will need to carry out some careful exploration to find a way around and back onto the 'safe' path.


This is another mazy area of narrow tunnels.  All of the tunnels are heavily overgrown with blue jelly, lending them a very surreal and alien appearance.

The mechanic for this area is the torches and barrels.  While the player has a lit torch, the slime will not contract the tunnel to absorb him.  If the torch runs out...

The cult did leave barrels along the path to their other ritual location beneath the graveyard.  Off that path and the barrels are not as frequent, which will make exploration a little nerve-wracking for the player.

This will be another random event type area.  The player will run into fightfucks with various combinations of BLUE SLIMEs and BUBBLE SLIMEs.  They will also come across the occasional skeletons of previous adventurers with items they can loot.


After going through the sealed tunnel, the passage will start to slope upwards.  The player can follow it without incident for a short while, then they'll come to a dead end blocked with rubble.  This was one of the access points maintenance workers and the cult used to use.  It's been blown up, likely to try and keep what's in the sewers trapped there.

Searching around will reveal that a few cult members got caught in the blast and tunnel collapse.  Further searching will find a skeleton in finer robes than the others.  This was the former cult leader and on him the player will find the key to the safe in the cult chambers.


Back to the crossroads and the path to the left will end in a tunnel completely sealed with gelatinous BLUE SLIME. There is another barrel of foul-smelling oil.

If the player went this way first, this passage will be impassable.

If the player went to the cult chambers, that will explain what they need to do. Dipping the torch in oil and lighting it will get the blue slime to retreat with a feminine complaint.


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