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The VAMPIRESS NPC takes the player down a hidden path and unlocks a secret entrance.  Through a series of narrow vents, this leads the player into the heart of the tomb palace and they come out on a balcony above a large hall of impressive treasures.

The balcony leads to three rooms where the LICH QUEEN stores her favourite treasures.  There are more in the hall below, but they are mostly art pieces and sculptures too bulky to be moved.

One end of the hall leads back to the main entrance and the player can see a pair of the LICH QUEEN's servitors lurking silently in a alcoves.  The player can't go that way.

The other end of the hall leads down to the LICH QUEEN's throne room and private chambers.  The player will have been warned against confronting the LICH QUEEN directly in her palace, but they can always try...


On return to her quarters, the VAMPIRESS NPC will ambush the player and use her powers to tie him to the bed to have sex with her.

This is both her payment (of sorts) and also to zero the player's AROUSAL before entering the tomb palace.  She wants him to be fully focused as the LICH QUEEN's traps, being a typical lust daemon, are sex-based.

Despite her insistence on not using her vaginal fangs, the player will notice a couple of pinpricks of blood on his cock afterwards and the VAMPIRESS NPC will own up to taking a little 'taste'.  This will be completely harmless sex.  The only effect it will have on the player is reducing their AROUSAL to zero (essentially fulfilling the role of seeing one of the 'friendly' lust daemon whores in previous areas).

She'll also fill in a bit of background lore.  The LICH QUEEN is definitely not a goddess.  She just tricked a powerful foreign nation.  She is, however, exceedingly adept at a type of warding and totem magic.  Her tomb palace has many protections, especially in her private chambers, and even the most powerful of heroes has no chance of defeating her there.

After that, the VAMPIRESS NPC will lead him to the real secret entrance to the tomb palace.


After passing the VAMPIRESS NPC's first test, the player will find themselves in a second test.

It won't seem that way at first.  The VAMPIRESS NPC will be evasive and tell the player she knows a secret way into the tomb palace.  Instead, she'll lead them into the back streets and an ambush of 3 ZOMBIE WHOREs


The ZOMBIE WHOREs are limited in that they only really possess enough arousal abilities to keep a man erect so they can have sex with him.  Their main strategy is to tire the player out so he can be held down while one has sex with him.  Three of them will be a tricky fight where the player will need to carefully manage their stamina (or whatever the mechanical equivalent is).

After the fight the VAMPIRESS NPC will explain helping the player poses a risk to her should the LICH QUEEN learn of her involvement, so she isn't about to do it unless she feels the player is up to the task.  This is her little test to determine that.

The player can either accept her explanation and return with her, or get angry and strike out on their own – at which point they'll find their way to the graveyard gate.


Depending on how the tomb streets minigame works, the player will eventually bump into the VAMPIRESS NPC.  She is a stunning but very pale woman wearing a vivid red cloak and not much else.

Initially she will behave like a higher-class lady of the night and flirtatiously ask the player to come back to her room with her.  While walking with her she'll let on that she knows why the player is here, and ask them to keep up the pretence of being her client.

She has a larger and more elaborate converted tomb to the side of the main tomb palace, as befitting her higher status.  Her 'bedroom' is larger and more luxurious.

One of the first things she'll do on entering her quarters is to compliment the player's appearance and offer to have sex with him.  This will turn out to be a trap as – being a lust daemon version of a vampire – the VAMPIRESS NPC also has fangs in her vagina.  At the moment of climax, she'll sink them (painlessly) into the player's penis and quickly drain him of both blood and semen.

Her reasoning is that anyone stupid or weak-willed enough to fall for that isn't much use to her and could even be a liability exposing her treachery to the LICH QUEEN.


This is mentioned here as the player will have multiple options to break off from finding the VAMPIRESS NPC and heading off down quiet side streets.  They will also head this way after retrieving the special item from the palace tomb.

The tunnels away from the main streets are quiet and more resemble the catacombs they used to be.  The tunnels slope upwards until the player finds themselves at a narrow metal gate looking out onto a misty graveyard at night.

This must be the graveyard on the other side of the wall.

The gate is unlocked and the player can walk through into the open air.

If they haven't picked up the special item from the tomb palace first, this will be a very BAD idea.


Instead of ducking into one of the rooms, the player will get the opportunity to duck into a narrow side alley.

Unfortunately, a couple of ZOMBIE WHOREs will notice, and rightly assuming the behaviour is too suspicious to be one of their regular clients, will follow and challenge the player.


As before, they will try to tire out the player so one can hold him down while the other climbs on top for sex.


While this will look like another encounter where the player pretends to go with a ZOMBIE WHORE to her room, it's a special encounter.

On entering the room, the player will find a group of ZOMBIE WHORE's waiting for him.  While the ZOMBIE WHORE's are technically already dead, they have noticed and not taken too kindly to the player going full Jack the Ripper on their street.  As such, they've set up an ambush to catch the 'killer'.

This encounter is only triggered if the player takes too long to find the VAMP and kills too many ZOMBIE WHOREs in the process.

It's a fatal encounter.  There are too many ZOMBIE WHOREs to fight off.  They'll hold the player down while one rides him to fatal climax.


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